
Showing posts from 2018


Finally got a job a paid job! After a long time looking and applying. YES!

Umbrella, Truth & View

1. Buying a umbrella on holiday abroad, rain and heat at the same time. 2. Being told the truth, when you know deep down that you knew anyway. A case of double standards. 3. Watching a mist roll over some fields in a stunning sunset.

Blood & Smiling

The big major hospital has made a decision no walk in blood clinic now, so we as a small hospital are now inundated with patients. Very proud of the girls who are doing the bloods. They are doing well and they are still smiling even though it’s very stressful at the moment. The men / ladies in suits have a lot to answer for.

School Sadden & Still

1. Youngest granddaughter started school and now is full time. At the moment she loves it. 2. Sadden to hear that a lady I know just by talking to her when down town died. Shall miss her and her lovely smile and her hug. 3. Still loving my job busy busy busy, so interesting made the right move.

A Wasp’s Tale.

A wasp decided to land on my face and I flicked it off, I didn’t realise how soft and velvety it felt. So I liked this wasp, then it walked over my neck tickling as it went. I think it was trying to make friends with me.

Cleared The Air

 Made peace with brother who understood I wasn’t talking to him! Yes bro, I was talking to you , you have not upset me but had a load on my mind and yes bro I had problems, you never phoned me up did you to find out or ask me or even to say hello. Bro I know I try to remain cheerful, but sometimes I have a downer at times. But at least we cleared the air.

Walk Change & Reflecting

1. A walk in the rain and not putting up the umbrella. 2. Been so busy at work. Loving every moment. Glad I made that all important change. 3. Reflecting a lot and not getting housework done. At the moment it’s only me indoors so I won’t worry to much.

Bill On & Still

1. Clean bill of health from the dentist. Have to go back in 6 months time yay! 2. Went to put the washing out and found I didn’t put the washing machines on ugh! 3. One guard cat is still guarding me bless her .

Blowing , Guard Cats & Rare.

1. Pillows blowing in the wind. Looking like clouds . 2. One cat on one of the arm of rhe armchair and an other one on the other, like guard cats they were. 3. The two cats who are sisters are sleeping together a very rare sight very rare.

Enjoying , Photo & Birds

1. Hurry up you are getting wet , me I am enjoying this rain and getting wet after all that hot weather. 2. Accidentally sending a photo of my feet to my son, why I don’t know how I took it I don’t know. Tried to delete it before he saw it, to late. He said it was better to see my feet than face. He was being cheeky! Have to send some photos of the family he asked. 3. Birds were singing at dawn today, the cooler weather seems to suit them

Cramp,Postman & Own

1. Slept  well as the storm really cleared the air but woke up with severe cramp! 2. Wished my lovely postman best wishes for the day. He not having a good year so far but he always has his lovely smile and a kind word for everyone. Bless him. Do hope life gets better for him. 3. One of my cats has taken ownership of one of the crochet blankets so I didn’t waste time making it,. You never do waste time making things do you?


1. Having a good old fashioned thunderstorm this is round 2 first round was quite quiet , round is louder and the lighting is really strong. 2. One of my cats is actually sitting out in it . In all that heavy rain and lighting she loving it. And she not flinching when it thunders. 3. The coolness after all,that heat is most welcome it’s cooled down quite a lot.

Late Chat & Dress

1. Got up late due to going to bed late, the neighbour over the path had emergency gas work done at 2am . It had to be done . 2.  Had a lovely chat with my postman.  Told me it’s his birthday soon and how old he is going to be and you can easily take 10years of . 3. Sounds sloppy but still in my nightdress which is cotton the only coolest thing I got to wear in this hot weather, pretending it’s a summer dress!

The Three Twos

1. Two of the cats even though it’s very hot have decided to sleep right on top of me. 2. Two loads of washing done and outside to dry before I go to work. Up early very early. 3. Two more squares done in about ten minutes at this rate my blanket will be done. Next project?

Red Lovely & No

1. Red Arrows just flew over very low they were. Love them. 2. Had problems with a self service till lovely young lady helped out as no staff was about. 3. Went into a book shop and came out with no books!Ted

Shed, Cream & No

1. Helped finishing a shed for a train layout. Lots of hard work went into it. Now for the train layout but I won’t be helping my help,is not required, but I do not mind. 2. Had a lovely day yesterday was treated to a cream tea on a steam train and a walk round a beautiful garden with stunning trees and a huge lake 3. I told everyone that after a certain birthday that’s it no more birthdays for me did anyone listen no they did not but had a lovely day thank you.


Youngest granddaughter graduated from her preschool. She was upset . She is going to big school in September with her 2 best friends and they are going to be in the same class. Eldest granddaughter is looking forward to her sister going to school with her.

Sweat, Flash & Happy

1. I am sure other people said the same thing if all this sweat was fat it would fall off in this heat. 2. I was told that a part of the country had flash flooding but in about 10 minutes it was practically dry. A steady fall of rain is needed. 3. One very exciting niece spoke to her uncle as he went out on the phone and did she chat to him it was lovely to hear. Her other uncle decided to text me and we had a nice chat as well. So one happy niece and one happy mum.


A refreshing uplifting breeze came along unexpectedly just what was needed.

Boy, Foul & More

1. The kitten is a boy kitten not a girl so new name is needed! As it can’t be called Bella as my granddaughter said. 2. Youngest granddaughter is in a mood most foul. I am not nanny I am grandma when she is in a mood. She is just like her mummy when her mummy was that age. Say no more I wish my daughter luck. 3. Slow but sure the crochet squares are coming along. Found more yarn what I tucked away. It’s random yarn so have to find ideas to use it.

Rule, Butterfly & Where

1. Daughter’s new kitten hissed and swipe their dog nose and the dog ran off and hid! We know who is going to rule the roost. 2. A cabbage white butterfly land on the back of the sleeping cat it’s stays there for a while. 3. Daughter is filling in forms for when youngest granddaughter goes to school. Where has that time gone?  September is not far off.

Unexpected Kitten & Busy

1. Unexpected meal out with family nice to have a catch up. Had a small dessert and coffee and that was just the right size portion after main meal of course. 2. Daughter and family have a new kitten because the person who was supposed to have the kitten didn’t want her! I won’t say much about that. One of my three was supposed to go to someone else but they didn’t wanted her, glad they didn’t I had her instead and she is one of the nicest cats you could have. And when you put her food down she always meows I like to think she is saying thank you. 3. A very busy day at work very busy but I am not complaining from going doing nearly nothing to being busy is bliss really bliss.

Sit, Treat & Meditate

1. Sitting in the quiet of the morning it’s a no rush morning. 2. The crochet squares are going a treat only 3 rounds so they are small, lots to be made. 3. Without realising I been meditating for years, all the self help books etc say meditate and I been doing that for years love doing it it the morning and at dusk. Does me good puts things into perspective .

Angel, Think & Huge.

1. Being called an angel! Me a angel never ever an angel. I the bit between the blue sky and the blue sea. 2. Thinking about doing an extra morning at work, really have to think about it, would like to but can I give up my Wednesday morning? Must think this out properly. 3. Had a nice smile and wave from a young man old enough to be his nan but made my day. Walked down the hill with a huge smile on my face.  

Curtain Kicking & Peaches

1. Put up new shower curtain and inner curtain, a small thing to do but transformed the bathroom. Ocean colours looks good. 2. Little granddaughter said to grandad when are you going to have your baby and put her ear to his tummy and said I hear it kicking! 3. Eating flat peaches squashed peaches ,sister forgot to take them home so said eat them .Eat them I did.

Busy Using &Mastered.

1. So busy in my new placement. Loving every minute, but missing some of my friends in my old place, must do a catch up soon. 2. Learnt so much in the short space of time in my new placement my brain actually thank me for learning and storing, but most importantly I am using my brain. Which is good. 3. Blind cat has mastered jumping onto the arm of the armchair and now sits next to me.

Visit, Roses & Peacock

1. Visited a stately home, which I haven’t seen for a while. It’s a bit run down but it was nice to revisit it. 2. Saw 2 climbing roses in the above stately home. One was a deep soft pink with a slight scent, the other was a light lemon one. Both beautiful to see. There is no room in my garden for 2 but one can dream and make plans. 3. A beautiful peacock came over and eyed my ice lolly but decided the people at the next seat had more exciting food.

Like, Approves & Our

1. Getting efficient now, caught up with the washing . Casting an eye all over the house seeing it in new eyes, beginning to like the place. 2. Postman approves and loves my big yellow reflective house number. He thinks it’s a good idea. I explained that it’s the other couriers I have problems with not him . 3. My used to be out door cat , spent the night out all night she came in with a smile one her face I am sure she was smiling.

Cars Filled & Technology

1. Seeing my little granddaughter who is such a sweetheart, she loved playing with her uncles toy cars. 2. Filled up my freezer after defrosting it the other day. A job worth doing in this hot weather. Defrosting it that is. 3. Sorting out two problems in one big swoop. The joys of technology.

Yellow Fill & Airing

1. I couldn’t get a bright flashing red house number for my house , instead I got a bright yellow reflective one. So fed up with parcels going to other houses because the couriers cannot see my normal house no! So no excuses now. My normal house no you can see with no problem at all. 2. Done one of my least favourite job defrosting the freezer. Now to fill it up. 3. Putting out the throws and blankets to get an good airing in this nice hot weather.

Welcome,Order & Danish

1. After the blistering heat the evening coolness is a welcome relief. 2. Went to my favourite cafe and the young man who works there put my coffee and tea for my daughter on the tray without me asking for it. We never change our order .  So that’s fine with me and he is a sweetheart one of the lovely young men you don’t here about. 3. Had a blueberry danish and I am not a lover of blueberries but it was good damn good!


Sitting by the opened patio door in the early morning relishing the early morning cool, before the heat hits a bit later. I do not do hot as in hot, some people do but not this one. Some people look cool as a cucumber in the heat , me I more of a boiled beetroot. Think I done the right thing by changing my placement still early days but I am liking it very much .

Giraffe Shed & Hedges

1. A giraffe flew above us while we were in the garden a rather large one at that, just wondering if it came from a display and it got loose. 2. One garden shed built in one day looks simple but had a few problems, but it is done. 3. Hedges done not mine but done . Glad to go back to work really been busy this weekend.

Routine Found & Squares

1. Finally getting myself into a routine just a little one, but it is helping in the morning actually getting the boring jobs out of the way quickly. 2. Found another cookery book which is my favourite online so bought it , then will send it to my son. And it was very reasonable in price. 3. Returned to crochet, doing plain squares in 2 colours for 3 rounds , can do this pattern in my sleep. Next item I will make will be a cardigan done in squares but rather lacy squares. Must get out of my comfort zone concerning knitting and crochet.

Hear, Simplest & Noses

1. Eldest son was in messenger mode earlier lovely to hear from him. 2. Just a plain jacket potato with butter , salt and pepper. Sometimes the simplest things are the best. 3. The cats turned up their noses to their new blanket! So the one I am making is for me and I bet anything you like once it’s completed they will want it.

Grumpy Compliment & Favourite

1. For the first time in 6 years I didn’t go to work in the late afternoon , now that I finished my evening job. Felt funny maybe that’s why I was a bit grumpy. 2. My mother complimented me on my haircut, not very often I get one from her very rare in fact. I just found the best hairdresser in ages . 3. My eldest son is into cooking now, so bought him a cookbook and be sending him it soon as he is overseas at the moment. Still thinking of sending my favourite cookery book with most of his favourite dishes but I see how he goes first with the one I am going to send him. Not sure if I can part with it, but I might be able to find an other online .

Done The Right Thing.

Done the right thing by moving to an other job . Been busy since I first started. I think that I got so much into my comfort zone I just lost zest for life. Hopefully I will stay there for a long time. The people who I work with are really nice and other staff who don’t work in the department are really nice. So l hope all works well.

Made My Mind Up.

Leaving my placement in one hospital, but going to an other hospital where I am going to be more busy. Hard decision to make but I know but it had to be done. Had an upsetting incident recently by someone who is on a written warning but that made no difference with them, they be getting an other one have put in my complaint. They done it to quite a few people and they have to be stopped before something really bad happens, that made me make my mind to leave.

Extra Tried& Colour

1. Been offered an extra day in a new post now deciding to whether give my old post up in the evenings. But am taking time to make up my mind must do the right thing for me. 2. Tried a new crochet square lovely as it was, it was quite fiddly to do so going to save that for a later but quieter time. 3. Falling in love with the colour old gold for clothes makes a change fron always blue. Daughter shall be pleased, she fed up with me in blue most of the time.

Night,Finished & Calico

1. Youngest son has been working as a night controller in a breakdown recovery office for the past couple of weeks ,he is now home for a little break, he has been staying with his sister in that time. 2. Finished knitted squares , made them up into a blanket for the blind cat, now having problems deciding what to do next either knit or crochet. 3. My calico cat is sitting next to me giving me the evil eye because she thinks I am ignoring her but I am not as it’s thursday I do paperwork . So afterwards I will make a fuss.

Mint,One &Worth

1. Mint m&m’s  ooh ooh so lovely. 2. One more minute nanny one more minute nanny when I tried to help her get get dressed, my little granddaughter. 3. Bed early tonight as been up extra early these past few days due to new placement and my lovely granddaughter but so worth it!

New, Tall & Fun

1. Went to my new placement. Love it. Lovely people to work with. I know it’s early days but trying to be positive. 2. Spent an afternoon with my 3 girls. Hadn’t seen my eldest granddaughter for a little while, boy she is tall now. 3. Daughter and eldest granddaughter are on a school trip tomorrow and guess who got youngest granddaughter yes me! Looking forward to it. I wonder what fun we will get up to?

Meal Late & Gin

1. Meal went well with friends. Had a laugh. Had a bit to much to drink. But not to much. 2. Nice being out late in the evening . Not often i do that. Made a change. 3. Trying out a new gin to me a bulldog, Bombay still my favourite, but it was nice to try a new one.

Handsome Dinner & Re-reading

1. Saw a really handsome young man. The sort who thinks he is not handsome. Which makes him a really a lovely person. That’s my logic. 2. Going out for dinner tonight not sure about it though meeting up with friends more his friends than mine. 3. Re-reading a book by Josephine Tey about Richard lll , fell in love reading about him when I was on jury service.

Coffee Washing& Coffee

1. A mug of proper coffee a beautiful aroma, savouring the taste and aroma. 2. Getting the washing done , washing no problem but drying is the problem. No tumble dryer . 3. Really do not want to go to work later, but will do. Have to go . An other cup of coffee calls!

Awkward Yo-yo & Sleep

1. Bus was terminated at an awkward bus stop due to an obstruction in the road futher ahead. So had to decide which way to walk, good job the shopping wasn’t heavy. I had to choose out of 3 ways, so chose option 2 and I made the right choice I was home in no time. It was not a scenic walk home but it was pleasant  and the quickest especially if you are caught short. 2. Blind cat is coming in out of the back door into the garden by himself now . Nice to see him out in the garden sunning himself. And he is in and out like a yo-yo. 3. Having the best sleep I had for ages feel so much better.

Holidays Placement & Hope.

1. Bumped into a friend while shopping, she just came back from holiday and she looks so well. Life has not been kind to her but she looked so cheerful. That’s the power of a holiday . 2. The job hunting at the moment is not going well, but I got a new placement for voluntary work yay! Start in a weeks time . Hope it goes well. 3. Hoping that the new placement goes well, as where I am now changed so much it’s not the same. If it does go well and if they need an extra day I take it.

Dad, Still & Scent.

1. My dad would of been 95 today. Miss him so much. Daughter spoke about all the favourites things she used to do with him. She has got so many happy memories of him. Bought him in his memory a bunch of stocks and roses. So where ever you are dad love you loads and your grandchildren and great grandchildren do even though one grandson and your 2 great granddaughters never met you. You are loved loads x . 2. Early stages I know but the friend I had a slight falling out with, think things might turn out ok . Still love them . Hopefully a hug will come soon. 3. The living room has the scent of the stocks and roses two of my dads favourite flowers.

Meal , Hug & Love

1. Had the first meal outside this year in the lovely sunshine. Evenings are still chilly. 2. Had a lovely hug from a friend who I haven’t seen for a while. 3. Need a hug from someone special but we had a slight falling out. So I must do something about giving them a hug soon. Miss their hugs and missing them big time. Love them to bits.

Rubbish, Better .Stairs

1. Rubbish day today. Put my rubbish out the wrong way, I put out plastics and bottles instead of black bags and paper. So had to re-do it all . Got it right. My friend who lives in an other county puts out plastic , bottles and paper in the same box , but here we have to separate them . 2. Feeling better after deciding to take little steps. 3. My blind cat has mastered walking up the stairs but not down. Have to talk to him when he coming down them so he is taking little steps.

Little Steps

Been doing a lot of reflecting and thinking not a lot of doing. Reached the crossroads, I know it’s scary to go forward into uncharted waters but if I do little steps at a time I am sure I will get there. So after the reflecting and thinking now the start doing . First of all a cup of tea then start decluttering the house and my life I have to be tough it’s myself I know I can do it. This is a start of a new life, done in little steps.

Beautiful Absolutely & Peaceful

1. A beautiful spring bank holiday. Just me and the cats sitting in peacefulness. Just reflecting. 2. Missing cat settled in so well. Absolutely glad he is back. 3. Was going to start gardening but it would spoil such a peaceful and beautiful day. Saving gardening for an other day! When it rains !

He is back.

My beloved cat is back home. One of his sisters gave him a kiss the other is ignoring him but that’s usual for her. I have been smothered with love from him . He was so well looked aftered . So a big thank you to every one who looked after him the vets who were ace , the recuse lady who is a gem and my lovely daughter for tracking him down.

Cat, Monday & May

1. Going to get my missing cat back later . So missed him and his sisters missed him they will be pleased. 2. Gone back to meat free Monday and I feel better for it. But I cannot find the apples I bought. 3. 1st of May has so far started well. Blue sky sun out birds singing . A bit of warmth is needed so hopefully it will come soon.

Cat Is Back

My cat has been found going to pick him up tomorrow. He was taken in and then taken to a cat rescue . Thanks to my daughter who sorted everything out in getting him back.

Cats,Wave & Drizzle

1. My two cats are missing their brother. I done what I can to find him the word is out that he is missing. I have got one cat sitting next to me the one who has never liked cuddles or fuss. I get a little kiss from her now and again. The other cat is on the back of the chair and her tail is around my neck she put it there. 2.Waiting for a bus I saw a friend pass in a car a big wave and smile that done me a power of good. 3. Lemon drizzle kitkats are yummy!

Lost Cat

Went away for the weekend had a great time. But came back to one of my cats missing. The person who looked after my cats said he ran out as soon as they opened the front door, I told the person that he wasn’t to go out the front back yes not front. That cat is blind and no way would he run out the front door , they was told that . Now if I was asked to look after someone’s pets I would do as they instructed me. If I was told that the cat was not allowed outside I would of picked him up and bought him back in. No the person said as it was nice weather they thought they leave him out! He wasn’t to been seen when the person left so they left him out, then left him the next day in fact the person didn’t go back the next day at all. So the person went back on Monday and left me a note. They said they are sorry but he has not come home and no sighting of him at all . So not very happy. And this person is supposed to be a cat lover having cats themselves! And they weren’t that sorry. En

Beautiful, Flip Flops & Out

1. Beautiful sunny warm weather. No wearing of winter coats! 2. My daughter persuaded me to buy 2 pairs of flip flops. Never ever worn those before. First time for everything. 3. Proves it warm washing out on the line.

Forgot, Buses & Busy

1. Friend forgot to tell son that myself and son will be over have to wait in for heating engineer, as he is away. Son and I walked in his son and his girlfriend was cooking their tea! So son and I went out for ours had a lovely meal. Phone friend up and he forgot to tell them we be down, he paid for our meal. 2. Went to a bus rally, lovely to see buses of my youth. Lovely to see so many people out and young families enjoying themselves. 3. So quiet and peaceful here you wouldn’t think that there is a busy road nearby.

Misty .Mug & Daffodils

1. A misty damp morning more of an autumn morning than a spring morning. 2. Bought an other mug , it’s got a picture of a crab on , yes that’s me crabby. Must sort out my mugs ! 3. Bought some double daffodils as usual they add sunshine and warmth to a rather grey colourless day.

Airing, Listen & Peacefulness

1. Started late but cleaned out the airing cupboard out. Not a lot had to be done. Start the clothes tomorrow. 2. Discovering new artists on YouTube. Dominic Halpin and the Honey Bees a swing band very good. Worth a listen. 3. Wanting to have a argument with someone as they annoyed me so much, but the red mist didn’t descend , but peacefulness came over me instead, so glad it did. I am not perfect but I try to do my best in all things. But when some interferes in my relationship, but I save that for an other day.

Toe. Break & Sunrise.

1. One very bruised toe. Bashed it on son's socket set. I saw the socket set and still bashed into it. 2. Had a couple days down daughter's caravan and at the moment it's so peaceful. Needed this short break away. Now to face everything that I have to. My batteries are recharged. 3. A beautiful sunrise a promise of a lovely day.

Marmite,Early & Son

1. Marmite rice cakes, love them just tried them love them! Yes you guessed I love marmite! 2. Actually got up early this morning , feeling better in myself the blues have gone away, I hope. 3. Staying in my daughter’s caravan for a few days . Son is on a course for a few days and the course is near where the caravan is. So mum would you like to spend a few days with me ? Asked my son yes I would I replied. Good said he, now I am going to get my evening meals with a smile on his face. Love him but I don’t mind.

Cuddle, Socks & Candles

1. Had the unexpected pleasure of a cuddle from my youngest son that put a smile on my face. 2. Wearing my Easter chicks socks. 3. Youngest granddaughter had a lovely birthday. The faces she pulled when trying to blow out her candles was both sweet and funny.

Touch , Evening & Granddaughters

1. I wish I could touch the moon which was so low that if I had stood on tiptoes I might of done it. 2. A lovely sunny early evening , hopefully things to come soon. But then the rain came. 3. Last but not least, my youngest darling granddaughter is 4 today and believe me she is no ones April fool . She and my eldest granddaughter are rays of sunshine. So happy birthday sweetheart have a lovely day.

The Blues

Got up done all my chores felt happy, then all of a sudden irritation swept over me and sadness as well. It just came out of the blues. So I went out even though it was raining but that didn’t help, usually going out helps and I don’t mind the rain. So came home and sat down thinking I do my knitting but even that didn’t help normally that’s soothes me. So I just sat quietly and tried not to over think or analyse what caused this. The only thing I could think of could it be the after effect of the flu virus bug thing I had a little while ago? Also the problem with my sister and social worker? I usually cope with things problems reasonably well. Anyway a quiet Easter weekend might do the trick to get my mojo back, I do hope so as I don’t like being like this. I am not feeling sorry for myself really and I do know other people have worse problems than me, it was one minute I was happy then the next bang out of the blue it just came. Life is strange at times !

Solved, Peachy & Claimed

1. Solved problem caused by my sister and the social worker . All it took was one email! 2. Orange hyacinth is really a peachy colour with a light pink stripe . It’s lovely . 3. All my cats went out int the back garden and claim it back from the other cats. They didn’t stay out to long as it’s raining again.

Why Shingles & Heck

1. Why does it have to rain when I take my mother out ? Yet again it rain last time I took her out it rained . 2. All I bought was two cards a get well card as someone I know has got shingles nasty. And the other one was a welcome to your new home. 3. Bought in an expensive dinner tonight , I normally don’t do these things as money is tight, but what the heck just for once a treat.

Favourite, Checked& Summertime

1. Watching my most favourite film Brief Encounter. I do hope they never ever make a remake, but that’s my personal view. 2. My blind cat is enjoying going out into the garden now and one of his big sisters goes out with him  still and she waits patiently for him it’s so lovely to see. He is in good health otherwise, he been checked by the vet. 3. Clocks gone forward lighter evenings now it feels like spring and soon to be summer. But the weatherman predicted snow for Easter!

Orange scowl & nudge

1. Orange hyacinth is brightening up the kitchen a treat. 2. Lady pushes herself in front of a gentleman to get on the bus, he moans, she said well that’s what you do always push yourself forward even if you waited just a few minutes for the bus, you must have a rough idea who catches the same bus as you, he sits down scowling. 3. My blind cat went into the back garden and enjoyed himself, one of his big sisters went out with him and looked after him it was really lovely to see she didn’t leave his side. She gently nudge him and spoke to him .

Good BAD & Good

1. Yes I did go on an adventure nothing grand. Got out of my comfort zone. I shall do it again. 2. Why is it, when the professionals need your help they sort of demand it , but when you do what they ask that’s fine. But when you just ask for an update by phone or email they don’t want to know! An email, letter or phone call is now due by me to complain. It is a vert serious problem actually it’s rather distressing. Won’t go into it here, but between my sister and social services about my aunt, I am not happy and that’s an understatement. 3. I have a new morning mug for my tea bought by my daughter and it’s huge! But enjoying my tea and looking out at the back garden while drinking it.

Stuffing, Pleasant & Adventure.

1. The cold flu virus thingy has really knocked the stuffing out of me, but doing my best to eat ,drink properly and look after myself properly. Doing gentle walking. 2. When having to tell patients that the clinic is running late , got greeted with smiles and to be told that’s fine. That makes a very pleasant change. 3. Debating whether to go somewhere new for my day off. Where is my sense of adventure? It left sometime ago. Ok I go!

Envy, Snow & Try

1. Got over my envy about the bungalow, maybe one day. 2. Came home to a load of snow. Where I stayed at the weekend they usually get hit worse with the snow, they got the sprinkling of snow we got the heavy snowfall. 3. My new cookbook came I can’t wait to try some recipes and very soon I shall try some.

Bowling , Fred &Bungalow

1. Just come back from bowling and son won both games. 2. I learnt bowling from Fred Flintstone. My hero, love the Flintstones 3. A friend is renting a lovely bungalow, how how wish it was mine, not normally envious, but it’s beautiful, but happy for him. He been through a tough time, he deserves it.

Good, Tracking & Fleelers

1. After searching for a long time found a good hairdresser. Loved the way she cut the two ladies in front of me hair and did a good job on mine. 2. Tracking my son’s parcel . I do enjoy tracking it . It goes over to the other side of the world. It fascinates me all this tracking information. 3. Went back to work still not sure whether I should be there still or look for a new job, I won’t rush, but I think I start looking and putting out feelers

Order Wonder & Passed

1. Looked on my online orders yes I do have the book I was going to order now to find it I think I know where it is. 2. Had my mother’s day today. Thank for my presents my lovely children and granddaughters. Even a message from eldest son who usually forgets ,I wonder if he had a gentle reminder? It’s just nice to hear from you all. 3. Youngest son passed an important test . Well done son.

Paddington, Out& Order

1. Did a Paddington Bear, had marmalade sandwiches for breakfast on good old fashioned white bread. Yummy! 2. Went out for an hour after being cooped up while having the most nastiest cold flu virus for a very long time, boy was it good getting out in the fresh air. 3. Trying to remember if I ordered a book in the past if so where is it? Must look on my online order history, if not ordered then I am going to order my treat to myself and it’s an other craft book!

Flu Cold Virus?

1. What I caught I do not know flu,bad cold ,virus ? But all I know it floored me greatly. 2. So nt been out just dozing and need fresh air badly so opened patio door  for a few minutes felt a bit better. 3. The shop where I got my multi coloured yarn has got plenty in my favourite colour, when I am feeling better I am going to get some more.

Love of Animals.

Not got a heavy cold, got a bad chest infection and all three cats are sitting near me. That is unusual normally I have one or two sitting near me , so I must be poorly if I have all three. My daughter has got a new dog well she has had him for about two months now and he has worked some magic with my youngest granddaughter who is a pickle, he has seemed to calm her down, she is a little pickle now not a big one like she was. His favourite thing to do is when my granddaughters are colouring in he lies besides them and I think he wants to join in. He was someone else’s dog and kept in a crate for most of the day and my daughter rescued him and he is the nicest dog you could ever wish for. These people get puppies then when the puppies grow up they get rid of them, hopefully they won’t get any more quite a few people know about them and pu the word out about them. But my daughter’s dog is in his forever home.

Money in out and not spent.

1. Went down town put money in, took money out, didn’t spend a penny! That’s a first for a long time, didn’t even pay for coffee. 2. Got a stinking cold, not feeling sorry for myself, but been out to get some fresh air, did me some good. 3. Now for a nice quiet afternoon in . Housework can wait!

No Wooden & Pin

1. Had a no television night and it be repeated. It was good youngest son read I knitted. 2. Bought new wooden spoons as I couldn’t find my ones, cleared a drawer  out and I found them and some more. How they got there I do not know. 3. Found my old wooden rolling pin it’s over 60 years old. Still works a treat.

Annoyed & Bliss

1. Bumped into my sister when I was down town (I feel like a Petula Clarke  song here) had coffee with her, then we went grocery shopping, when I was packing my bag she noticed that I had a new crochet book and she was tugging it out of my bag but she couldn’t get it out completely, so I had to rearrange my shopping as she knocked a few things over. I said to her she most probably got the book anyway. She was interrogating who was it by and where did I get it from? She must always have new crochet books before me, but I am sure she has got it. My next craft book is going to be a knitting book and I have to send of for it and she doesn’t like knitting much she prefers crochet. 2. Rediscovering Mama Cass on YouTube I forgot what a lovely voice she had. Bliss. 3. Sorry about the rant above but it got to me I know it’s a small thing but it just annoyed me I feel better now. Ps Petula Clarke is,an other great singer as well I shall be YouTubing her as well!

Good morning

1. Been shopping got extra supplies, the bus driver drove well . Well done bus driver. 2. The snow is not to bad here .did me good to get out feel a lot better. 3. Next door little girl was having fun out in the snow giggling away bless her, but mum was really looking cold.

Background Colour

 Finding a very old crochet pattern, which is older than me,and that’s saying something! But it doesn’t look out of date at all. Can’t wait to try it out, but my knitting I must complete which is going well. The old crochet pattern is for squares a variant of the traditional granny square not seen it before, but it’s most probably out there somewhere in crochet land, anyway it makes use of scrap yarn and only needs the background colour, which I am sure I have, the scrap yarn I have no problem with. So while I am still knitting my squares I am designing my next project , sorting out my colours in my head and thinking I know I got some background colo somewhere, this is going to be fun.

Rosy,Gloss & Dirty .

1. Snow is falling quietly and gently. Was out in it and it was nice to be out there in it. Rosy cheeks have i. 2. Trying out a new lip gloss , as I get older my lips crack up more so far so good. I do not like wearing lipstick, so lip gloss it is and so far so good. 3. Youngest granddaughter wanted to try my lip gloss, so bought her and her sister some each. She wanted to be like nanny! And she has inherited the famous dirty look that runs through the family. Thanks dad at least I inherited something of you and your great granddaughter has too. I can hear chuckling dad.

Snow Pigeon &Not

1. Snow snow quick quick snow. 2. The pigeon sitting on the fence looked liked he was trying to catch the snowflakes. 3. Seeing youngest granddaughter unexpectedly and she told me all about the snow and having her photograph taken at playschool and she didn’t smile for her photo , she laughed. Also she said there wasn’t enough snow to build a snowman, not impressed was my granddaughter.

Idea Slow & Glorious.

1. Frost highlighting the brow;of the earth in the distant gave me an idea for a future knitting or crochet project. Must jot down in my project book. 2. Thank goodness for slow cookers dinner is ready for when we come in. 3. A glorious day out weather was cold but bright makes you feel so much better.


1. Found some new recipes using avocados as the main ingredients must try. 2. Youngest son has passed his assessment for getting his bus licence and now has to do a four day intensive course. Really am proud of him as he is autistic and find tests exams difficult. 3. Eldest son who lives and works abroad has been very chatty . It’s lovely to hear from him.

An other tip.

An other tip what was given to me is, when you empty your purse or pockets at the end of your spending week count it up and no matter what change is left halve it even if it’s a few pence, put half back into your purse or pocket and the other half into a jar, at the end of the month count how much is in the jar and that can go into savings. Does anyone still unravel knitting and crochet, winding the yarn into balls or hanks to reuse ? Just a thought, my mother did this a lot when I was younger and it was me who would have to sit there with arms stretched out yarn/ wool around my hands and my mother winding it into balls.

Saving or frugal tips the start!

Been reading quite a few articles about saving money or as some say frugal tips, whatever you call it, some of the tips are good. Mind you i didn’t realise that I do a lot of them already without thinking, like batch baking , cooking a basic mince recipe for splitting up to make spaghetti  bolognasie s,savoury mince with carrots etc. But one of my worst habits is forgetting to take bags out wth me and having to buy them out , so what I do now is to put in my bag is two bags the thin bags that fold so small that they don’t take much room in my bag. And every time I use them I put 10p as the average plastic bag is that and put it in the jar, I haven’t counted it up yet I haven’t done it for week yet and it be interesting to see how much I save by doing this. Must remember to return the empty bags to my shoulder bag. Also that cuts the plastic bags down as well. Which I have a lot of! But I recycle them . Some places have bins where you can take them and recycle them .

Good Morning

1. Hot cross bun, coffee and a new anagram game for coffee break. 2. Daughter’s finger has healed up beautifully. 3. Writing this blog, read that it was good to do this, must agree. I am nor worried if anyone reads it it’s does me good. I am more of a word person than a photo person.

Fast Yarn & Nearly

1. Knitting as fast as i can to reach the end of the last bit of yarn, every knitter and crocheter will understand. 2. Out of the first ball of yarn(50 grams) I got 4 squares they are big garter stitch squares ,the 2nd ball I got 3/34 and it is the same make of yarn and dye lot! Bought at the same time. 3. Finally sorted out my finances out nearly there.

orange story & purple

1. Walking home from work in the rain, the raindrops look like miniature oranges as the street lamps shine on them. 2. Spending time with both granddaughters they were so good reading their books till daddy comes in and then that was a different story. 3. Getting my new glasses, purple and blue they are and I love them !

weekend away.

1. Weekend away done me good, nice to get away if you can just nice to have a change of routine. 2. Nice to come home especially when one of the cats really ignores me till I give her  her dinner. 3. Beautiful weekend weather wise both days was like spring sun out warm just lovely.

Bun Finger

1. First hot cross bun this year. Used to make them with my older son, now I found my favourite cook book where I got the recipe I shall make some very soon. 2. Daughter’s finger very much better, but she was given a lot of looks as it’s her middle finger what is bandaged up so you can think what people thought. 3. A lovely spring day and quite mild what’s the betting rain tomorrow?Bet.

cheese, nasty and limited

1. Stayed in all day didn’t get much done but made a lovely cheese and potato pie best one I made for a long time. Extra mature cheese was on special offer and that made the difference don’t need a lot but yummy. 2. Daughter still not having a good time , little granddaughter arm infection is clearing up beautifully, but she fell and has got a nasty cut. This half term has not been good for them. 3. Had to choose new glasses as my second pair the prescription could be put into the frames I chose. The new frames I much prefer and was told they are new out and I am the first person to get them and they are a limited edition.

Not A Good Start.

1. Smallest granddaughter has got an infected arm due to the pre school booster. Sorry but the nurse was at fault won’t go into details as there is an inquiry going on. Not a happy nanny. 2. Daughter’s fingernail was ripped off by her dog well it was hanging off went to a&e with her good job we did as it worse that we thought, but all patched up now. 3. Eldest granddaughter fell and whacked her elbow nearly a a&e job , but it’s ok.

Won Taste & Abacus

1. Fighting my way home with umbrella in hand , rain and wind won. 2. Forgot how jam and rice pudding taste. Reminds me of my dad. 3. Finding my daughter’s old abacus, watching my granddaughters playing with it and #howing them hoe to make a diamond shape, happy memories.

Yay! X 3

1. First lot of washing hung up on the line of this year. 2. Teacher was pleased with the cake me all made 3. My new glasses are ready ! Yay! Picking them up tomorrow.

A good afternoon

1. Did baking with both granddaughters and mum, we had fun . This is what memories are made of. 2. Cake turned out well. 3. Been sort changed! Had a blood orange, (ruby , pink orange) but not red in it at all came out of the same pack as the others!

Honey Garden & Fruit

1. Baking with granddaughter for a school project making a Egyptian honey cake. 2. Son is helping to do daughters garden , he is a very good gardener very patient. 3. Losing a bit of weight not a lot but losing it very gradually.  Ought more fruit and feeling better for it.


1. The cat who sat on the lap usual for her. 2. The blind cat who went outside I forgot about him till I went to put the rubbish out, called him in he came. 3. The cat who looked at me and I swear she was smiling.

popcorn,glasses& lmpluse

1. Eating popcorn on a quiet Sunday night in. 2. Buying two pairs of glasses. Left eye has got a lot worse , so decided to have two pairs of glasses as I have to wear them everyday, so it’s essential, but in an other way a treat to myself. 3. Saved £37 by not impulse buying for things I really didn’t need. Quite scary really impulse buying so I decide I keep this up for a month and see how much I saved by not buying on impulse and put what I saved into savings for a rainy day, for things I really do need like getting the house decorated.

Hard Work

1. Solicitors are hard work! No disrespect but the lovely receptionist sorted out the problem . 2. Being ignored by my sister when she saw my daughter and myself , she spoke to my daughter but not me . What have I done wrong this time ? Not bothered. 3. Finally finished a level on my word game which is quite difficult .

Not a garden centre ? Or is it

Walking around what used to be a garden centre it is now a very high class gift centre with a few plants and gardening equipment to say it’s a garden centre. Not knocking it but it was very quiet not as busy as it used to be.

Nice Fresh & Succumb

1. Eating a blood orange and ginger yoghurt, really nice and refreshing. 2. Having the patio door opened after all the rain we had, letting the fresh in bliss. 3. Going round the garden centre making future plans. My eye caught a cafe u lait dahlia I might succumb.

paperwhite, waterproofs¬

1. The paperwhite narcissi has just bloomed scenting the air with their delicate perfume 2. Taking a walk in the rain and wind, thank goodness for waterproofs 3. Not buying clothes I don’t need but spent the money instead on a nice dinner

Dentist Mini & Job

1. Got a clean bill of health at the dentist and hygienist. For someone who really hated dentists  I now really like my one, so glad I found him and his practice. 2. A weekend away is booked for February so looking forward to it a mini holiday. 3. Applying for a new job. Really scared.

Walk,Book & Cook.

1. Taking a walk on a lovely winters morning . It’s cold and the wind is very icy. 2. Popping in a charity shop and finding a book I never got round to buy when it was first out. Bargain! 3. Being asked to help eldest granddaughter with a cooking project.

What is a name?

1. Did not loose my temper with a work colleague as much as they did hurt me. 2. Brought Sicilian red oranges on the receipt it says pink oranges when I was younger they were called blood oranges. 3. Enjoyed hearing about her unexpected night at the theatre she really enjoyed her night out a rare one for her.

Healing Starts

Siting down by the patio doors watching the rain lashing down listening to beautiful music and the tears fall the healing starts,

Town, Luxurious & Knitting

1. Went shopping in the big town next to where I live came home empty handed . Found what I was looking for in my own town! 2. Putting on new bed linen which was bought for me for xmas, a really luxurious set  really stunning. And nice to sleep in! 3. Really enjoying my knitting and the squares are beginning to grow, no hurry nice and relaxing .

Raindrops Singing.

1. A zillion raindrops fall in about 2 seconds flat. 2. Earphones on singing to my hearts content, no one is in to moan about my singing yay! 3. Should really be singing raindrops falling on my head! Have to find that song and start practicing it to be word perfect..


1.  Shopping with granddaughter and daughter. Singing the song jelly on the plate wibble wobble etc 2. Money taken out my account without my permission, dealt by a lovely young man who was so helpful. 3. Black cat sitting right on top of my feet can’t move but keeping my feet nice and warm.

chilly, cold, drama.

1,opened patio doors it was a bit chilly but it felt so good. 2, drinking a glass of cold water and feeling better for it . Did try warm water and lemon but didn’t enjoy it. 3, watching an inspector calls on tv last night . I really enjoyed it. Best drama I watched for ages .


A brand new year started for me by opening the patio door to let the fresh air in long time since I done that , so I will try and do that in the morning from now onwards regardless if it’s cold raining snowing etc even if it’s for 5 mins it certainly blows the cobwebs away and I am up first! Life in 2017 was a mixture of bad and good, but I got through it. It started with my son having an accident and my elderly friend dying and it ended with my aunt dying on the Saturday before xmas. So I think I will go back to the 3 things that cheer me up,so onwards and upwards, I must admit I am a bit apprehensive about this new year, but I shall try and remain positive. Right back to the 3 things that cheer, No1, buying the Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, alaways promised myself to buy it never got round to it, but finally did. Love Scrooge the Christmas Carol with Alastair Sims just love it. 2, buying a pot of papewhite narcissi and instead of 3 bulbs in the pot there was 4 as one bulb