To hear.

To hear my granddaughters giggle,
To hear the dawn chorus,
To hear the pitter patter of the rain,
To hear the sea lapping against the beach,
To hear a steam train coming through,
To hear the cats talk to me,
To hear 60s music,
To hear ducks quacking,
To hear the breeze rustle through the leaves,
To hear the rustle while walking through the leaves in autumn,
To hear the snow fall,
To hear people chat,
To hear my sons and daughter chat together , not very often they do get together, so that is very precious,
To hear bees buzzing,
To hear the river rumbling along,
These are a few of my favourite sounds,
But there is one sound I would love to hear again but will not be able to  is to hear my dad whistle,
He could whistle in tune, listen to a tune, then he could whistle the tune through with no mistakes.


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