Wet, snails & doing well.

1. Granddaughter and daughter on the way to play school got caught in the rain, both got very wet, they was half way there when this happened, granddaughter decided she wasn't going and turned back and started to walk home. So she didn't go. When they got in they were both soaked through. They are going by bus today, which is a bit of a trek 2 buses, walking only takes about 20 mins.
2. I am a small creature rescues person, snails this time. Left the back door open for the cats, plus we needed the fresh air, a few snails decided to visit and one invited itself in, the rest stay on the outside step and door, so when it was time to close the door, I had to put the snail out .
3. Son is home, but going again today. Nice to see him, but nice to see him being independent. He has autism not bad and a lot of people said that he will never lead a normal life. But he has proved everyone wrong. He goes to college mainstream, he is learning to drive, he travels to and fro by himself. I always had faith in him. His school had him diagnosed when he was in reception class and it was done properly. To be honest he just like a teenager should be. If you knew him well you would notice that he has problems, but he copes very well. Plus he has got a speech problem ,he copes very well with that as well.


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