
Showing posts from 2014

Better, better & ugh!

1. Daughter is so much better now thank goodness. 2. Sister had a fall, running for a bus. But she is now recovering, a nasty bruise over her eye. 3. Baby granddaughter has decided to wash the floor with her tongue! Lovely. Bless her.

Singing,slowly & better.

1. Being woken up by partner in the early hours, by his singing. Bless him, but he cannot sing. 2. Getting over the flu bug very slowly. 3. Daughter is still getting over her flu bug very slowly as well but she said its nice to feel just a little bit better.

Hugs, Winnie & bless them both.

1. Granddaughter said nanny I won't give you a hug today I might give you a hug tomorrow , tomorrow came, nanny I am still thinking about giving you a hug! Bless her. 2. Had one of the nicest chats I had in ages with a lady of 90 today in a cafe, she asked if she could sit with my sister and me, as her friend could not meet her today, yes we both said, and she was such a lovely lady, and we spent an hour with her, and she said if she is ever in the cafe again is not to be shy and pop over to hello, and we will. Bless you Winnie , you made us very glad that we met you. 3. Daughter is nearly over her flu, looking better. But  son has caught it! But he never complains, he just gets on with it. Bless him.

Teach, ghost& chocolate .

1. Got a cat who would like to learn how to knit or crochet came in last night to find a few balls of yarn on the floor, I put them away, then this morning I came down and she found some more yarn to play with, so later she and I will sit together and I teach her to knit or crochet her choice. Bless her. 2. Sorry about the emotional post yesterday. I laid down a ghost which has been around for a very long time. 3. Had a chocolate and salted caramel cupcake, it was very rich, but very nice. My friend organised a chocolate fair for the very first time and she and  sellers done very well. Everything on sale was to do with chocolate . Whiskey truffle you yum, sloe gin truffle yet to try. She is organising it again next year, so watch  this space.

Steam trip.

Went on the Union  of South Africa yesterday , all the way to York. Not been to York for over 20 years and I won't leave it that long to go back again. Had a great time. It was a happy but sad time, as the last time I went was with my dad and happy as I have got happy memories of my time there. The NRM has changed but all for the good. You need more than a day there to look around properly, so will go back there in the new year. Saw my beloveded Duchess of Hamilton , my most favourite steam train. When I come down from my high of going on a steam trip to York I will write a proper post

95, school & blows.

1. Went to see my friend who is 95 today, she was in very good spirits. She received a beautiful white cyclamen from the day centre she goes to. 2. Did the school run today and granddaughter goes to the same school I went to and her eldest uncle, it bought back many memories. It has changed but not a lot . 3. One thing that has not changed at my old school, is the wind when it blows across the fields , it blows!

Morning, proud& shelved.

1. Spent the morning with baby granddaughter as mum went to see her big sister's play. Big sister played an angel. Had lots of fun with baby granddaughter . Nice to have her on her own for a little while. 2. Proud of myself resisted buying wool, not once but twice. But it was a bargain but money short at the moment. 3. Scarf afghan has been shelved for a short while, but crochet afghan is coming on nicely.

Busy, lights & lighter.

1. Had a busy but fun day at work,last day for me till after Xmas. 2. Coming home from work in the dark has got it's advanages the Xmas lights are so pretty, some are subtle, some are wow hit you in the face, but all are lovely and brighten up the dark nights. 3.Soon it will be 21st December  the shortest day and then the evenings will start to get lighter.

Bump, bump, thank goodness.

1. Bumped into a very old friend not seen her for 15 years. It was so lovely to see her again, she has moved back into the area. So we are going to have a proper catch up at a later date. 2. With the sun being low and bright  not able to look where I was going bumped into a lamp post. Only my pride hurt. 3. Daughter and baby granddaughter are slowly getting better, thank goodness.

Unable, shoe & polka.

1. Unable to go to granddaughter's school fair, have to wait in for a parcel , so son said I go to the fair instead. Which is good of him, it's only fair as he normally waits in for parcels if I am not around. And he hasn't seen his two nieces for a little while. Eldest niece is going to have a suprise when she sees him. 2. Going out with odd shoes, not odd colours, but one lace up and one strap shoe! How I managed that I do not know. 3. Getting a polka dot gift box to send eldest son his presents, hopefully it will make him smile!

Soup,wrong & trip.

1. Two of my girls are very poorly, both with bad colds, daughter and baby granddaughter . 'Mum can you make chicken soup and bring it up please.' Asked my daughter . I will get the ingredients and take them round and do the soup there. 2. Son came home from college the other day and he was telling me that everything went wrong for him but in a funny way. It was so nice to hear him laugh. 3. Dad and son have gone on a steam train trip today and at the moment the weather is cold but sunny, so hopefully they will have a good day. So got a day to myself .

Present, whoops, & any ideas?

1. Sorted other half present. 4x4 experience here he comes. 2. Feeling smug I was this morning thinking I done all the cards and sent them off, then the other half phoned up and said did you send so and so a card. Whoops! Forgot, just going to do it. 3. The colours of the crochet blanket is beginning to work well. Now to find an other colour to go with peach , beige and turquoise or colours I should say. Any ideas?

Stash, teeth & block.

1. Having a quiet Sunday morning in, sorting out my yarn stash. Scarf blanket is still going.just wanted a change, so started to go through the stash, having fun putting colours together for future  blankets, didn't realise how much yarn I had. 2. Baby granddaughter is a lot better, daughter said she is sleeping better, she is still teething, though. 3. Looking at my craft books to give me inspiration for the above yarn, just looking at colours in patterns gives me ideas. I am having a creative block.

Busy chatting.

1. When I got off the bus I had a lovely chat with a lady, we were trying to cross a small road, we have no choice but to cross it, but it is quite dangerous . The lady said that people herself included have written in to complain about that road, all it needs is a maybe lights or a zebra crossing. There have been a few near misses. 2. The lady in the cafe asked what the weather was doing, rain I replied. Oh well she said my hair is going to frizz up like candy floss . We both then had a laugh. 3. Queuing sometimes get boring , but a lady decided to have a chat, she was telling me all about her families birthdays and other celebrations what occurred this year,she said that the icing of the cake was her parents diamond wedding anniversary . Her face just lit up. Bless.

Shirts,blanket,& anxious.

1. Re-ironed some shirts without thinking, I was so busy watching telly at the time. 2. I was watching a Basil Rathbone, Sherlock Holmes film, The Lady In Green, I noticed in one of the scenes a crochet blanket, the background colour was a light colour and it was done in the traditional  granny square. I also have notice a crochet blanket, in a Margaret Rutherford Miss Marple film and a Murder She Wrote episode . I am sure there are more out there, it will be fun to try and spot the crochet blanket in films etc. 3. I have got a very anxious cat at the moment, my outdoor cat who loves being out she sits by the back door and looks out , runs out then runs back in,I have been out to look and cannot see anything that frighting her.but it is nice to have her in for a change.

Bike, special & scanners.

1. A green bike chain up at a lonely country station, it looked sad there in the drizzle. I bet that bike could tell a story or two being there all day waiting for its owner. 2. Baby granddaughter gave her uncle(son) a special smile even though she wasn't feeling to good(pesky teeth) it was one of those moments where you needed a camera quick , such a beautiful smile. Son has got a very good relationship with them both. 3. These self service scanners, what you think of them? When they work ,they work fine when they play up, they play up big time. Three times and all in a row the same firm but two different locations they played up. Needed help, no assistants nearby, no nobody, left the bits there. Sorry to moan.

Ooh, steam trip& tea& cake.

1. The chocolate I got from France was mouth watering , the coffee ones were strong but ooh! Did I enjoy them. 2. Was meant to go on a steam train trip next week, had a email saying that the date has been changed to the next day, as the tickets have been bought i can drop out and son can take my place as he is not at college that day, he is so excited as it's his beloved southern steam train that's going. 2. Baby granddaughter has cut an other tooth, she is ok, but my daughter is not, as she has been up a few nights running, so you can imagine what state she is in. A lot of TLC is coming her way. I offered to do her shopping but she said no, as she wants to get fresh air and baby granddaughter needs fresh air as well. I said I could of taken baby granddaughter out, but she said no, I need tea and cake and a bit of time out. So tea and cake time soon.

Lille, euro travel & snow.

1. Went to Lille France  and had a great time, lovely place to visit. And the people were warm and welcoming. Thank you Lille. 2. The euro tunnel train was different, I would love to go over by the euro star train as a foot passenger  next time. But quick isn't the word. It's seemed like one minute you are in England the next minute you are in France . I really enjoyed the travelling. 3. Daughter just told me we might get some snow at the end of the week. Bah humbug!

Potato, woke up & jumparoo .

1. Jacket potato with beans and cheese, lovely. Son and other half are not keen on jacket potatoes as they are not here, I indulged. 2. Fell asleep with a cup of tea in my hand, woke up with a start and threw the tea all over me and my knitting, not very happy with myself. 3. Youngest granddaughter bouncing in her jumparoo,where she gets her energy I do not know, but she was laughing away. Normally she is quite a quiet little lady. She is my little thinker that one.

15,000 mess & nicely.

1. Granddaughter  said she done15,000 star jumps! She must of been tired. 2. Youngest granddaughter ate her mum's chocolate biscuit  and got into a mess, but she enjoyed it. 3. Latest update on the afghan it is coming on nicely . Not as quick as a crochet one but it is relaxing doing knitting, not that crochet is relaxing ,but I find for me knitting is more relaxing I think it's slower than crochet.

Star, fair & forgot.

1. Saw both granddaughters, nice to see them again. The elder one is doing star jumps today, for raising funds for her school , hope she has fun. 2. Gave  granddaughter some bits and pieces for her school fair , she decided to keep a couple of things. 3. Still enjoying my walks in this weather. Bought myself some gloves and went out without them.

Challenge , pie dish & giggly.

1. Eldest son works abroad , so I send him a small parcel . It's fun but challenging to find things to send him. 2. Bought a new addition for the kitchen a red and white pie dish. To nice to be used but it will used. 3. Even though it was a wet weekend, it was a good one. It was a fun giggly weekend, just being silly with the family, as only families can be.

Teal,heavy& walking.

1. Seeing my mother's new 2 piece suite, it is a lovely teal colour, she not very keen on the colour, as she is used to browns and beiges. 2. Not having to carry home heavy shopping as the other half is off this weekend and going shopping by car. 3. Started to do a bit more walking even in this bad weather, it is doing my back some good. And my mind as well.

Firm & polite.

 A firm but a polite NO,did wonders. I had the front garden done, I was recommended this chap and he did do a good job,but he kept on asking for money up front and his quote kept on changing the money got more and more. So I asked the neighbour why they recommended him they said that he did do a good job at a price! I made some general enquires and found that he charged to much and he has not got a good reputation about asking for to much money and asking for the money up front. I do realise that times are not good for some people, myself included, but anyway it's done. He knocked on the door and said he do the back for me and I said No, as the price will start low then he will add on again more money. Also he said he would trim the trees , but he done the grass instead, which i told him not to do as I do it and enjoy doing the grass. I wasn't going to argue with him, I know it's not an excuse, but he caught me a low ebb and I wasn't thinking straight, but it's my

Nails, potter&lessons.

1. Went to the bank, the young lady said I like the colour of your nails, she called a colleague over and said look at the colour of this ladies nails, isn't it a lovely colour . Her colleague agreed. I didn't really believe that I was hearing this, after stopping biting my nails for 50 odd years,someone remarked about my nails. 2. In for a day, just going to potter about, it's the first time in ages I am going to be by myself. Bliss. I need to recharge my batteries. 3. The front garden looks lovely now, the chap who done it did a good job, but he stung me though, but I learnt a very valuable , but hard lesson. 4. He came recommended. But sorry I will not recommend him. That is sad really sad.

Pegs, dictionary & snug.

1. Looking at my washing line and seeing all the different colours pegs I got,they are pink , purple green , yellow, red, blue and a few wooden ones, they add a splash of colour against the grey sky. 2. Using the dictionary to spell a word, not using spellcheck . Love dictionaries. Must use it more. 3. A sleeping cat in a shoe box, how she managed to get in I do not know, but she is very snug.

Green, start & blue.

1. Two big green eyes looking in the window to be let in, one of my cats is black and at nighttime you just see his eyes. 2. Doing all my running about this morning , came home had lunch, fell asleep! I have loads to do , so I better start soon. 3. Bought 2 balls of discontinued wool in blue, it's ages since I bought some wool and I don't feel guilty.

Lights,language & bruiser.

1. Seeing the look of wonder on youngest granddaughter face when seeing the Christmas lights for the first time. Twinkle twinkle. 2. Watching youngest granddaughter playing with her hands and talking away in her own language . 3. Seeing my daughter's cat I haven't seen him for a while as he is an out door cat for some reason he doesn't like staying in a lot, but anyway he is a big bruiser of a cat, and he still likes his cuddles from me.

Knitting,bashed, smile & itching.

1. Finding an old pattern for knitting squares. Actually I found an other one a little while ago and cannot find it. So after the scarf afghan and after the crochet one I want to do , I will be doing the old pattern squares, then it look for the other pattern. 2. Being bashed On the arm by one of the cats every time I walk into the kitchen, 3. One problem closes and an other opens, but this will be solvable. I am smiling really i am. 4. My fingers are itching to try the old pattern square, but I mustn't otherwise I won't get the scarf afghan finished. I had a bad habit keep starting new projects and not finishing the old ones.

Diamond,right size & exam.

1. Had a problem resolved by a lovely man at the end of the phone, he knew what he was talking about, he was very clear,very helpful . He was a diamond. And he made a lot of sense. 2. Finally found the right trouser leg size. Bought a pair of jeans in the wrong leg size, but in the end they are the right leg size. 3. Son is siting an exam today, he panics so much, told him to do his best and try not to worry to much.

Life, stubborn & beckon.

1. Life has it's ups and downs, at the moment it is down. 2. But I am a stubborn whatsit , I will get over it. 3. A fresh cream apple turnover is beckoning.

Smiley, knitting& impressed .

1. Sitting  down having a cup of tea after seeing the dentist in a cafe,a little smiley face popped round the corner where I was sitting, yes my lovely little granddaughter and her mum.  So had an other drink with them. 2. Picked up my knitting up at long last. 3. Showed off my sparkley nails, daughter was impressed.

Nails, fence & scrummy.

1. I have not bitten my nails for nearly a year. To celebrate I had them painted a sparkley blue and purple. 2. Helped to put up a fence today, hard work , but it looks nice. 3. Had Sunday dinner cooked for us and it was scrummy .

Parcel, tiger & peek.

1. Eldest son got his parcel,he is on the other side of the world. And it took only a week. Impressed. 2. Eldest granddaughter had her face painted at her school party. She was a scarey tiger. 3. Youngest granddaughter taking a peek and smiling at her great aunt.

Watching, favorite & knitting.

1. Watching Cagney & Lacey . It used to be one of my favorite shows. Still enjoyable after all these years. 2. Spent time with 2 of my favorite girls today, my other favorite girl was at school. She has got a after school party to go to. Hope she has a lot of fun. 3. Bought myself a knitting magazine, long time I have bought one, usually it's a crochet one I treat myself to. As it's got quite a bit I would like to do. The scarf afghan has really not got anywhere at the moment. Knitting needles will be out tonight.


Sitting here at dusk looking outside,just watching the trees moving in the wind, the clouds moving gently. I am having the trees cut out the front and it looks good and when it's done it's going to look really good. My lovely geraniums are now beginning  to wind down now but they look still good.

Long time, proved & council.

1. It nearly took me 2 hours to get to where I was going, normally it takes me 45 mins max. This was due to buses being turned, had to get off one bus then wait for an other, then a bus broke down in the narrow bit of the high street. Then roadworks after roadworks. So took a different route home , got off  the bus and went and had breakfast and it was lovely. 2. Being proved wrong, so glad. 3. Had a letter from the council to be told that they owe me money! For over payment . I won't get a lot back but hey I don't mind it nice that I am getting something back.

Rubbish,apple pie & thinks.

1. The rubbish out the front has been cleared at long last. Now need to sweep up and do what has to be done. But it does look nice. 2. Son fancied apple pie and cream. So we had some and it was good. 3. Got a cat who thinks she is a geranium. Sitting amongst them.

Tips,out & fireworks.

1. Have to ask Fred Flintstone for bowling tips, got beaten by my granddaughter twice in bowling! It's ok , I play for fun . Daughter, granddaughter and myself had great fun. 2. Didn't want to go out on a rainy Sunday afternoon , but had to. Son came with me and we had a great afternoon out. And had lunch out. Also we didn't get wet, which was a bonus. 3. Watching the fireworks the neighbours had, such lovely colours. My cats didn't even twitch with all the bangs, not even the one who is scared of her own shadow.

Girlaugh , decs & pumpkin.

1. Son said his neck is as long as a girlaugh ! 2. Granddaughter  found some Christmas decorations. She has put them up, mum said it was way to early, granddaughter said she put them up to make it nice for daddy's birthday, which is today. 3. Having a pumpkin and chocolate muffin. Which is very nice, very moist and light. And a pretty pale orange colour, with chocolate drops studded through..

Dentist, ex & show.

1. Went to the dentist, my usual one is on maternity leave, so her stand in is really lovely.explained everything. Told me I could improve my teeth cleaning, but she didn't put my back up. Told her how lovely she was, and she was surprised . 2. Bumped into my ex, had breakfast with him. We share eldest son, daughter and granddaughters. We still get on which is good. 3. Looking forward to the Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons show.

An excellent day.

1. Had a very good day with son and his friend. We went to the imperial war museum, then went to the transport museum. Very thought provoking the iwm. Son's friend really had a good time. So did son and myself. 2. Plus the weather was really good that was a bonus. 3. The train journey and bus was excellent no problems, really ran smooth.

Eldest, confusion & early tea.

1. Eldest son may be able to come home in January , due to his work commitments he is not sure at the moment. It would be lovely to see him. 2. This putting back the clock an hour caused confusion this morning. Other half is a shift worker, he had to leave at 4am, so he set the clocks back an hour, set the alarms. He set the spare mobile phone alarm as it is a rather loud alarm, but he couldn't remember if the phone changed the time automatically , so he changes it an hour back. It goes of at the time it was set, but it didn't tally with the time or other alarms. So he was confused did he set the time correctly or not, so I phone the speaking clock, got the correct time. The mobile phone was 2 hours behind not the one hour behind it should be. 3. Had a cup of tea at 3:30am.

Rock friend & test.

1. Other half came back from his break and he said that he had a good time,but it's nice to be home. The first night the weather was bad, the caravan was rocking quite a bit. 2. Son's friend is coming out with us, which is very nice as he hates going out, he is autistic as well. So looking forward to seeing him. 3. Son has been told to put in for his driving test.

Ran away, ordered & slow.

1. Ran away from home for a few hours. Life has been a bit stressful , so I decided to run away. It done me good. 2. Had a lovely cheese scone and coffee in my favuorite cafe, just what the doctor ordered 3. Picked up a slow cooker book. It has got a lot of good recipes for me to try, most of them I have not seen before. And it was a bargin.

Rolling,lovely & discount.

1. Watching baby granddaughter rolling around the room, boy is she quick! 2. Seening eldest granddaughter for the first time in ages, since she started school, so lovely to see her. She said she still enjoying school. 3. Remembering to use a discount card. I usually forget them or throw them away. I have save quite a bit with it.

Growls,waving, manage, & shuffles.

1. Baby granddaughter growls like a teddy bear with a growler in its tummy. A giggle and grin morning with her. 2. Didn't realise that grandpa had eldest granddaughter with him in the car he till he went past, I caught a glimpse of her of her waving, I was walking down the hill in a world of my own. 3. Managing to go out to me my daughter, granddaughter & sister, before the winds come  down this way and do the shopping. 4. Baby granddaughter puts her bottom in the air and shuffles backwards.

Pfeffer nusse, tutor & gone.

1. Son bought me some pfeffer nusse. We went shopping and saw them,I said no I won't buy any. No one else likes them in the family. So I went back to get something I forgot, came back son said I bought you some so you have to have them! Eating some while I am writing this. A very happy mum and tum. 2. Had to talk to son's tutor, he is having a few problems, his tutor is so positive about him and will do everything he can to help him. Brought tears to my eyes. He knows son is autistic  and said if he hadn't of known he thought he was a regular guy, to him he is a regular guy. While son is at college his tutor will br there for him. Thanks tutor, you have helped. 3. Other half has gone away for a short break with a friend and have only been gone for a couple of hours had a phone call and text already ! Not complaining but it could of been dealt with when he gets to his destination, when he rings me that he got there safe. Bless him.

Fuzzy, better & fortunate.

1. Seeing the world in a different light. Went downstairs to make the first cup of tea of the day,forgetting to put my glasses on,so had to put on my reading glasses on and the world was rather fuzzy. 2. Granddaughter is feeling better and has done her homework. 3. Son has decided to come out with mum and dad.we are fortunate that he still likes coming out with us and he is not embarrassed not like some teenagers.

Changed, bumped & 2 beauties.

1. According to red tape I am a MR, not a MRS, , MISS nor even a MS. When I changed sex I do not know! But I wished someone told me. 2. Bumped into a neighbour who told me her daughter got a place in a special needs school and she has been fighting for so long. 3. Went to see my 2 sleeping beauties. Eldest granddaughter is not at school as she has got a tummy bug. She so wanted to go to school. She sent her mummy to school to get her some homework. Younger granddaughter is being a pickle .

Catch up, different & asked.

1. Meant to have a day to myself, doing what I wanted to do, but it didn't work out, waskedas dealing with red tape and other things this morning. Had enough and popped out for a while in the afternoon, but bumped into a friend I haven't seen for ages, in her words it's was nice to have a catch up. Felt better . 2. Yesterday I had to go somewhere by a different bus route, one I have never been on before, and it was really lovely going through places I haven't been through before. You really don't realise what is on your doorstep until you go on an other way. I will certainly go that way again and drop off  in a couple of places . 3. Was brave and asked son how college is now, it's ok now he said getting better,.there was a few teething problems still the beginning  of term. But at the moment his student card doesn't work, but he is not the only one who has got that problem. But it won't get sorted till next week as ther system is down!

Gone, shopping, & alike.

1. Gone back to walking now that the weather is cooler. Beginning to feel better for it. Don't mind walking in the rain. 2. Remind me not to go food shopping with son! This looks good that looks nice he says. To be honest I don't mind it's nice to see him take an intrest in the shopping . 3.  Youngest son had his hair cut didn't realise how much he looks like his big brother.  He had his hair cut really short like his brother, but when it's long he doesn't look like his brother, how does that work out?

Help, pies & pleasant.

1. My elderly friend is recovering from a slight heart attack. She has finally agreed to me helping her with her housework. I am looking forward to helping her. 2. Lovely mince pies. 3. Spent a pleasant afternoon doing shopping with the other half and we had coffee afterwards.

Parcel, out grown & weather.

1. Waiting in for a parcel, it was delivered to a neighbour instead! The neighbour said this is not no 6 this is no 8, no6 is over there, but the courier still dumped the parcel and ran. So no8 came over straight away and explained . I must admit I have got some lovely neighbours. 2. Baby granddaughter has out grown her 6-9 months clothes and she has not long turned 6 months. But when you look at her she doesn't look that big. 3. Having a quiet weekend in, but got a busy week ahead. So making the most of the quietness, but still unable to do what I would like to do in the garden, just read that the weatherman says next week will be warm and sunny. They never seem to make their minds up do they?

Pink,jazz, & read.

1. Buying a bright pair of pink socks, they will cheer up these grey days. 2. Listening to light jazz, not my usual sort of music, but enjoyed listening to it. 3. Treating son to a book, when he was at school they moaned that he would not read, but now he reads quite a lot.

Moon, knock & rubbish.

1. Looking at the pale yellow full  moon  against a pale grey morning sky. Beautiful . 2. Someone was knocking on the front door, went to answer it and found it was one of the cats. 3. Hoping that the refuse collectors , bin men or whatever they are called, are happy because it's the very first time in a long time I have put out a minimum amount of rubbish which can not be recycled at all , 1 small bag ,also the food waste bin only had 1 small bag in it.

Amazing,report & forgot.

1. Had a good afternoon at work.  I do work with some amazing students. 2. Granddaughter had a good first term report. She has settled in well at school. Bless her. 3. Who forgot to bring in the washing yesterday? Yes me! Had I brought it in  yesterday it would of been dried, but instead it's soaking wet as I bought it in this morning and it's been raining heavily.

Covent Gardens.

1. Went James Bond in Motion Museum in Covent Gardens. It was good plenty to see. Then we joined the hustle and bustle of Covent Gardens. A nice place to be on a Sunday . 2. Went on  a boris bus, son was not impressed at all. Been on one, don't want to go on one again! He said. 3. Watching and listening to the performers at Covent Gardens , it was lovely to see people enjoying themselves . Love listening to some musicians , wonderful music. 4. All in all a lovely day .

Lovely, snap & sunshine.

1. Spent a train journey with a lovely young lady called Leah till she got off at her station. It was a nice sparkly chat we had. She is a credit to her parents. There are some good young adults out there, but you don't hear about them to often. 2. Eldest granddaughter has been playing snap all day. 3. The sunshine after the rain and walking up the road and it stopped raining.

Teeth,layout & clothes.

1. Youngest granddaughter has cut 2 teeth and mum said she is really good. 2. Son has been designing a layout for his model trains. 3. Found winter clothes and now do not need any clothes for winter. That will save some pennies.

1st,achieve,& plans.

1. 1st October already, where did that time go? I have been reflecting on the past months. What I have achieved, what I would like to do in the coming months . 2. One of my achievements was starting decluttering, I have done so much, and in a short space of time. As you can gather I am a hoarder, but it has been hard, but it's been worth it in the long run . It's nice having my home back and space. Even decluttering my emails, the ones I used to subscribe to. 3. Enjoying the warm weather, not closing the back door  till late in the evening. Lovely! Plus an other achievement was sorting the garden out properly. Plans for next year for the garden are forming.

Solution, note,& talk.

1. Had a bit of a difficult afternoon with a student. I am very lucky I have got a super boss, so I went to her and we have come to a solution to the problem. 2. Another student wrote a note to another volunteer, saying she is the best teacher she had. That brought a tear to the volunteer eyes and the rest of us as well. 3. Having to go to work today, as there is going to be interviews about volunteering and the boss is not quite sure about if it's going to be filmed or not. I don't mind talking about volunteering ,but to talk to the camera, that's another thing.

Busy, running & money.

1. Had a busy weekend again. Not complaining it's nice to be busy. 2. Told partner that I would like to take up running, he smirked and said I wouldn't do it! I have got a secret weapon, eldest son, have to get in touch with him as he knows all about training and running. I show you partner! 3. Youngest son spent a bit of money on himself for a change and he was very happy to do so. He doesn't want a lot that one, but when he does buy something, it's always good.

Tooth, radio & ice cream

1. Youngest granddaughter has cut her first tooth. 2. Listening to a radio station, which is new to me and playing the sort of music I like. 3. A lovely day in Worthing . A model train in the morning, afternoon was spent on the seafront and on the pier. Son and I enjoy the 2p machines! But the best bit was friend trying to eat a ice cream with flakes, he always gets into a mess when he has one. Don't worry he really enjoys getting into a mess. Next time remind me to say no thank you to a ice cream he said. But he will say please ,because he loves them so much.

Likes reading, apples.

1. Was very nearly run over by a mobility scooter in the supermarket, was going to the travelator think that's is how you spell it and , the person came charging round the corner and very nearly pushed me over. It's not a good thing I know but I was cross.and he was going round the supermarket like  a racing car driver. Rant over. 2. Eldest granddaughter still likes school and she likes to read to herself , only asking for help when she gets stuck. 3. Decided that I do like pink flesh apples, the are not to sweet, with the right amount of sharpness.


Just saw a photo of my eldest. And he is smiling for a change. He normally hates his photo taken. Made my day. He getting to look like his granddad now( my dad). I am so lucky to have my 2 handsome sons and beautiful daughter. Not forgetting my 2  precious granddaughters and grandson. I couldn't wish for a more lovelier family. Bless all 3.

Reading, mission & new friends.

1. Son was reading again, out of my three the youngest son has never been a reader, but lately he has been reading quite a lot. 2. The decluttering mission is still going strong. My bedroom this time. 3. My daughter has made new friends with other parents at school. I think we have been there, where we have been new faces and not knowing anyone, maybe a bit apprehensive . Well done daughter.

Soup, application & school.

1. It must be autumn, had tomato soup for lunch. 2. Asked for a job application, but got told to go on line as they didn't have any in store, so went online, to find out you have to go to the store to get a job application! So will be ringing the store to see if they will have more in. 3. Saw a neighbour and she finally got her daughter a school place. She has a tough time, but she got there in the end.

Pink, wet rain & uniform.

1. Pink fleshed apples. Not sure about them, they have got a slightly different taste to the usual apples and the skin feels different. But I will continue to test them. The flesh being pink is ok. 2. The postman said lovely weather we are having now, yes I replied makes a change to the wet rain we had earlier this year. 3. Son came home, with his new overalls and polo shirts from college. They went missing and now they are found. The college decided that all in the IT unit must have a uniform, it looks smart.

Museum, gliders & impressed.

1. Had a lovely day at amberley museum. So much to see there. Had a ride on the train there. There was workshops of pottery, glass demonstrations the list can go on, there was a lot of exhibitions, my favourite was the radio and tv . Worth going to it is in West Sussex. 2. Watching gliders , glide, they look so graceful. 3. Dad let son drive his car! He said that he never would let anyone drive it, but he changed his mind. Said son drove well , dad was impressed. Don't worry the car is insured properly for son to drive.

Happy, robin & burst.

1. Son came home from college happy, first time in a week. There have been problems with tutors not turning up, overalls and polo shirts not turning up, lads who don't want to be there causing problems. Son was ready to give up, told no just grit your teeth the bad patch will past, so he is gritting his teeth. Proud of him. 2. When I was out a robin popped out the bush had a good look at me then he popped back to where he came from. Didn't like the of me! 3. Trimmed the honeysuckle ages ago after it finished flowering, now it's burst into leaf again. It's looking good.

Flowers, boiler & so on.

1. Bought some flowers to cheer the kitchen up. They are yellow and orange mums. 2. Boiler past it's 6 months check. Must admit didn't want new boiler, but glad I did as it is so economic to run. Shh don't tell anyone, as I get told you so. 3. Update on the scarf afghan, it's coming along nicely. Got the next project in mind and the yarn has been sorted. It's going to be crocheted. Then the next project after that is going to be knitted and so on. That way I don't bored in doing all knitting or all crochet.

Boiler,found & found again.

1. Still waiting for the boiler man. He was supposed to call between 8am to 12pm. Had a phone call he is going to be late. Used the time well while waiting. Yes more decluttering ! 2. While searching through some bags I found £5.00. So before you throw out bags check them. 3. Found son's missing work boot . It was in the room what I call the cubby hole. How it got there I don't know.

Smokey , wool & dirty.

1. Smokey bacon doughnuts are ok , but won't be buying them again. 2. Yes I bought more wool. But didn't go silly. 3. Baby granddaughter  when she saw her uncle was all giggles and grins. She has got a dirty laugh that one.  No one had a look in  when uncle is about not even mum.

Found , finances & busy

1. Found the wool I was looking for and found some more which will go with it,but still I might buy a ball or two. 2. Straightened up my finances, still lot a lot in the kitty, but hey that's life. 3. Had a busy weekend, my weekends seems busier than the week and I work, how does that work?

Free, wool & world.

1. Weekend free of TV, busy in the garden, not mine. Mine is going to be done tomorrow . 2. Was going to treat myself to some wool, then I realise that I have got the colours I want, but have to find them. 3. Busy in the garden, I heard a little voice, it was next door's little girl playing in her play house, she was very happy. She was in her own little world.

A great dad and grandad

For me September is a sad month in a way, I lost my most beloved dad . But I have many happy memories of him., he taught me by example how to be a good grandparent. He was a good granddad to my two eldest children, but he never met my youngest who was born a year after he died, but he would of loved him to bits and his two great granddaughters as well. In his words I am tickled pink. But in an other way September  is a happy month for all the happy memories . So dad just for you , I will buy some bulbs or something nice for the garden to remember you by.not that I need to buy anything , but I would like to. Your little family is blessed very blessed. Love and miss you. X

Meeting, school & Kentish.

1. Great nan & new great granddaughter finally met. They both took to each other straight away. A lovely morning had by all. 2. Eldest granddaughter had a good first full week at school. She said she likes school. 3. Kentish russets, cox orange pippins and Kentish pears. Yum yum. 4. Yes I am Kentish very proud of my Kentish roots and heritage.

Lilac, warm/cold & bus stops.

1. Saw a beautiful lilac rose in full bloom, really stunning. 2. Having to wrap up indoors, but when I went out it was really warm. I have got a cold house. 3. Went to a different bus stop, and why I don't know the people always say good morning or hello etc. but at my usual bus stop people look at you if you say anything. So I think I go to the other bus stop, it's about 5 mins walk extra than my normal bus stop. Yes I do need the exercise. So that's the plan. And the bus stops are quite near to each other , strange.

Unexpected, 3, & 2 .

1. Daughter popped in unexpected , for a quick cup of tea and brought one of the most biggest bath buns I have seen for ages and it was good very good. Good job I didn't have breakfast. 2. Found 3 of my favourite books 1 craft , 1 cookery and the last one is a bit of both. Happy now, I thought I threw them out long ago by mistake. 3. Then I found a knitted patchwork afghan done in garter stitch squares, I put that on the back of the settee straight away. Then I found a crochet chevron or zigzag (what ever you prefer to call the pattern) afghan, I put that on son's armchair.

Ahem , rolls & eyes.

1. Ahem ahem coughed little granddaughter, she wanted some attention. 2. Little granddaughter showed me how she rolls over . 3. My daughter showed me some photos of when my eldest granddaughter was youngest granddaughter age, you would think that they would be twins, the only way you can tell who is who is by the colour of their eyes, eldest has brown eyes, youngest blue.

Scrunch, back & well done.

1. Scrunch scrunch through the beech nuts. 2. Went back to work after being away for a time. It was lovely to be back. 3. Granddaughter likes school. In the short time she has been there she has come on in leaps and bounds. Well done sweet heart.

One broken down train.

1. One broken down train caused chaos for an complete afternoon and evening . What normally takes about an hour from home to where I visit this time it took me four. That's with the bus we wanted to get to the station was cancelled, then the bus driver on the bus we caught had problems with children late leaving, missed  two trains now, but when we got to the station the next train we can get to catch our connection was cancelled, thinking what other route can we travel to get where we need to be. Young man who works on the station, apologises says there will be no trains till after five and then they will be all late. Asked us where we are going, told him , best bet go up to London they should be able to help you. Where we go it's not a popular stop and it's out in the sticks. To be honest nobody really new how to get there, one station staff hasn't heard of the place we needed to get to. But we got there in the end. 2. Went through parts of London I haven't been

Started, full days & fighting.

1. Warned son to start sorting his clutter, but no he hasn't started, so I have started , can't throw that out or this I still need that, he said. So he has started. We are a family of hoarders, as you can guess, my sister included . We inherit this from my dad's side of the family. 2. Son now has 3 full days at college now and starting in October he will have 1 day work experience   , so he will have a 4 day week from then. 3. Fighting the big energy guys to get back what's owing to me. Now fighting the council for overpayment. ,

Peace,uniform & busy afternoon.

1. Made peace with someone I was with odds for a while. My fault. 2. Went to pick up granddaughter up from school with her mum. She had a good time, hopefully she will like school. She looked so lovely and grown up in her uniform. 3. We went to the big park on the way down town.  Granddaughter had a good time. It's been a while since I have been there and they got new or new to me apparatuses . Granddaughter was climing,swinging , roundabouting, racing me, her on the slide me running. That is one of her favourite games , her sliding me running. I earnt my coffee . And I forgot the seesaw.

Grins,most & cheerful.

1. I said to son look at that sky it's beautiful, I don't like pink skies  he said, actually it's a pinky apricot coloured sky he remarked. That's the artist in me he grins. 2. My most favourite magazine came through the letter box. 3. Son is more cheerful of late, I think going back to college tomorrow is helping.

School,asked & time.

1. Granddaughter has now got everything ready for school tomorrow , her very big day, a big lump is in my throat already. Hope she has a good start, as that is so important. I think she will. 2. I asked for help not for myself, but for someone else and got help, which was very nice. Thank you. 3. Going to spend the afternoon with my daughter and granddaughters as it will be the last time for a while to be able to spend time with all three, as the eldest one is going to school, plus they spend weekends at their caravan too make the most of the summer.

Granddaughters growing up.

1. Eldest granddaughter is starting school on Thursday . 2. Youngest granddaughter can roll over and her new game is roly poly. 3. Nanny is going to sit down and have a cup of tea to get over the shock of my 2 granddaughters are growing up so quick. Like son 2nd year at college which he starts on Thursday . It wasn't that long ago he was just starting school.

Busy morning, ignore & pleased.

1. Did not want to go out this morning  but glad I did, saw a neighbour who I haven't seen for a while, then bumped into a former work colleague , who now has a full time job, well done Ayo . Then bumped into my sister, then saw an other friend had a chat, then went to have a coffee with my sister and saw an other friend. All I went out for was to do a quick shop. Not complaining it was really nice to see everyone and have a chat. 2. My cat who usually ignores me had a go at me this morning you should of heard her, because I ignored her, well I was busy sorting out my bank account. I can't win. 3. Looked at the back garden and very pleased with what I have done so far, still a long way to go though.

Keys,book, & rare.

1. No keys found yet, it will be just like my passport when I lost that, found it six months later and it was in a box of books which was under my nose all the time! 2. My of my favourite craft book has gone to pieces, so I managed to find an other one online. My book is beyond repair. Well it is over thirty years old. 3. Having a rare Sunday in and just pottering about the garden, enjoying the warm weather.

Keys,fog & warm.

1. Operation keys finding exercise. Both son and myself have lost our main sets of keys indoors and both sets have got important keys . Looked through the rubbish before I put it out, but they were not there. The annoying thing is both sets of keys have got big enough keys rings , so that we wouldn't loose them. 2. Had coffee with my sister and mother, they seem both fine. My sister seems to be coming out of her fog, which she has been under for a while. She went out with some good friends and that has done her some good. 3. Enjoying the much cooler weather now, but the weatherman said as from Monday. We should be getting warmer weather back again. That would be nice. Then winter won't seem to long if we have a warm September and possibly a warm October .

Breakfast, cats & difficult.

1. Having breakfast with the cats, normally they do not come round me when I have breakfast, but these past  two mornings they have, maybe they think I am going away again, but I won't be going anywhere for a while. 2. I only have my sister or daughter looking after the cats while I am away, as they both like cats and I do the same for they are very well looked after. 3. Why is it when you come back from a holiday, it is difficult to get back to doing things, I was going to say routine, but I don't have much of a routine.

Bless all 3.

1. Grandson teaching granddaughter the colours of the rainbow, but when he got to the last colour he said idiot he done that a couple of times, so when asked why he keeps saying idiot his reply was its the last colour of the rainbow. So my daughter said its indigo not idiot . He then said indigo sounded like idiot to him. Bless him. 2. Granddaughter and daughter was walking through the complex where they are staying, granddaughter saw some windmills/ pinwheels, but my daughter didn't  so when they sat down daughter asked granddaughter where were the windmills, well mum I opened my eyes and saw through my eyes that they were there. Bless her. 3. Looking for a till in the supermarket when the till supervisor came along took my heavy basket and found me a empty till,I thanked her and she said no problem she was only do her job. And then she wished me a lovely afternoon , I returned her compliments. Bless her.

Ignored, geranium& ideas.

1. All 3 cats are ignoring me since I have been back  from my few days away. 2. Checked the garden and found that one of my geranium has flowered, but the fuschias have come to nothing. 3. Have got all sorts of ideas for the garden and indoors , now to put things in practice . Son has some good ideas for indoors and colour schemes.

Short break, must we? & best bargain.

1. Went away for a short break. The weather was good unil today! 2. The break has done me good, shame to come home. But we must ,mustn't we?  Must we? 3. The new jumper I bought for £9 was just right for my short break kept me warm when needed. Best bargain.

Happy,cats,motto& small.

1. Son had a good afternoon at college. Tutor was pleased with his homework. Came home happy. 2. Have two cats sitting on me, one on my lap, the other one across my arm and chest. I cannot move, but I need my cup of tea! I will sit for a while longer, then I get up, I really don't want to disturb them,so tea has to wait. 3. Back to decluttering , I must admit my living is looking a lot better. It's funny how a bit of rearrangement does a world of good to a room. Still got a bit to do, slow but sure. That's my motto, saying for this latter part of the year slow but sure ( but not to slow, but really sure!) 4. It's really down to the spider plant and pot I bought a little while back, it's funny how something so small can help to sort out the room.

Homework,spider& books.

1. Son, last night did his homework for college. Even though he does not start till September , he has to go in today,to complete his enrolment for his course and he was given homework to do and for it to be handed in today. He said he enjoyed doing it. This comes from a young man who hated doing homework when he was at school. 2. Got one very big spider ,who has taken residence under the cupboard in the kitchen . 3. Been looking at gardening books! Me looking at gardening books, if you said a year ago I would take up gardening  I wouldn't of believed you, but I have.

Started not good, then got better.

1. One of those mornings. Went to local post office but they are doing up, it is now going to be in the main newsagent  shop and near the other tills, which is not a good idea as there will be no privacy. 2. Went to the bank to put in money for my partner, not able to do it over the counter got to put it in a envelope and put it in the deposit box, even though it's his bank, you can not third party bank! If it was my account no problem. I banked money for him 3 times and none of the tellers said anything to me till today not happy. 3. Bumped into my brother and niece and he told me that he has been to the docs and got told that he has got shingles, poor love, hope he recovers from that soon. 4. Went to have coffee with my mother and sister, my mother ordered a tea cake and she was still waiting for it when I got there, so I ordered one for myself but got told , someone has gone to get some ok said me I just have coffee. My mother still waiting for tea cake, then the really nice

Bargain,bargain & bargain.

1. Hanging the shopping bags on the front door handle, so not to forget them . Every time I use them, I will put the money away, what I would of used in buying plastic bags, even the penny bags and see how much I would save in a month. 2. Got two bargains today, a jumper for £9.00 instead of £32.00. It's a nice jumper for the coming autumn in a nice grey colour. The other bargain is 8 pairs of very good quality socks for £14.00 instead of £28.00 . I usually buy cheap and cheerful socks, but as I had some birthday money left over I thought why not. 3. My elderly friend she also got a good bargain a lovely teal,red,purple and cream top for £9.99 instead of £30.00. It's nice to see her spend some money on herself for a change.

Weather,thunder & braver.

1. My oldest granddaughter likes listening to the weather forecast, her mum said. When the weather forecast comes up, everyone has to be quiet, so she can hear it. 2. " nanny the weather is sunshine in the morning,then rain and thunder in the afternoon. And a little bit of lighting, only a little bit of lighting, as I only like a little bit." Then she shows me how little, she wiggles her forefinger a little bit. 3. My daughter doesn't like thunder "you be ok mummy you got me and nanny. Do you like thunder nanny ? "I don't mind it. I didn't  when I was little" " so you got braver when you got older"

Red arrows, blossom & present.

1. The red arrows flew overhead in formation, as I was walking up to my daughters. They are a fantastic sight  to see. 2. My baby granddaughter has got so big since I last saw her. One minute they are a tiny dot, then all of a sudden they blossom. 3. Bit early I know, but a steam train trip has been booked to York in December , so I said that is my present sorted.

Wrap, cake & red.

1. Wrapping up runner beans in newspaper. Reminds me when fish and chips were wrapped up in newspaper, they always tasted and smelt better in newspaper. 2. Overheard" I like the look of that cake, but I mustn't have any, so if I treat you to some, you can tell me what it tastes likes" 3. Just coming into the station, I glanced up and saw apples trees with red apples just outside the station, they really looked lovely. And there was plenty.

Clear, lucky & good job.

1. Partner  is clear of bowel cancer . 2. Went the scenic view to go to the hospital , we are so lucky to have such a lovely countryside. 3. A friend built a row of houses for partners train set, he done a very good job. He loves doing things like that. Thank you john.

Christmas , walk & fields

1. Sorting Christmas lights and singing carols. Son sitting with fingers in ears as I cannot sing. My mother could sing and my dad could play the trumpet. All this musical gifts by passed me! 2. Had to take an early walk to return my granddaughter's raincoat and enjoy the walk in the lovely morning. A friend of mine said that when everyone left in the morning to go to work or sometimes before they got up , she would take a walk about  20 mins and it set her up for the day. Soi might try that now it is not to hot. 3. Seeing flocks of birds  in the fields eating what is left over from the harvest.

Wet, coolness& trimmer..

1. Son and granddaughter went the to the park between showers ,they came home just in time before the deluge, they didn't  get wet, I got wet just closing the back door. 2. Enjoying the coolness of the rain in the early morning. 3. Came in from being out and saw son doing his sit ups.'thought you be out longer ' he said. Told him to carry on ,as I had to put the shopping away and wouldn't  watch him, he did carry on. I thought he looked trimmer.

No, cards & gone.

1. No gardening, no decluttering, just a quiet day. 2. Teaching myself new patience cards games. 3. Gone back to looking at clouds, last night saw some spectacular cloud formations and a beautiful sunset. Didn't have time to take a decent photo.

Water,promise & better.

1. Got my cold water running again. Been without it for a little while. 2. Sorting out clothing for gardening. Really am getting into it. I won't be a bore promise. 3. I think that the blue spell is finally lifted. I am feeling like myself again, but in an other way different.but for the better.

Home, fine. & evening.

1. It's nice to come home and get changed into fresh clothes, after being out in the heat. 2. The decluttering is going fine . More for recycling. 3. Going out in the garden in the evening and do some tidying up.

Start,rain & fig jam.

1. Had a good start to the day, ended up on a bad note, but that is life. So hopefully tomorrow is a better day. 2. Woke up in the night to the sound of heavy rain, thinking I do not have to water the garden. Shame really as I don't mind that chore. But I have the plants to do indoors though. 3. Fig jam on toast lovely!

A good day.

1. Had the unexpected pleasure of my eldest granddaughter , she didn't want to go out with mum and dad, so could she see nanny and uncle? 2. Son usually takes his niece to the park, but he was busy, so nanny went instead. Had a lovely time. Granddaughter is into racing at the moment, so she was going down the slide and I had to run along the slide at the same time, but she kept beating me! 3. Cleared the space near the sink. It was not that bad. It is now nice to see it clutter free. 4. I think you have guessed that I am a hoarder, but slow but sure I am getting better.

Trying to be more organised.

1. Going to write down recipes,knitting and crochet patterns down , in a notebook so I can keep all my favourites together, instead of going to book to book looking for them, especially when I try something new. 2. Going clear the corner near the sink., not looking forward to doing it, but it must be done. 3. Son's driving theory test is this week, he has been practicing and reading up. Hope all goes well.

Never, unexpected & ants.

1. My sister said if I ever get fed up with being a nanny, she will take over, I told her never ever will I get fed up with being a nanny. 2. Had an unexpected afternoon out and lunch with son. It was very pleasant just strolling round town and having a chat with him. 3. Found a recipe called ants climbing a tree. It is a Chinese dish, why it is called that, is because of the tiny pieces of minced meat clinging on the noodles, which look like ants climbing on twigs! Defiantly one to try I think.

Bless, hand & hectic.

1. Saw my grandchildren today. The eldest one wanted to carry my heavy shopping bag, but I said carry the lighter one, ok nanny she said. Bless her she is so helpful that one. Her sister is a miss giggles and grins. Bless her as well. 2. Sometimes I wish I could have an extra hand so I can stroke all three cats at the same time. 3. Having a quiet curry dinner by myself indoors after a hectic day.

Visit, cantankerous & new.

1. Went on a steam trip, went to Weymouth, never been to that part of the country before. It was a really nice day, but a long day. Would like to explore Weymouth and Poole at a later date. 2. Went to see my elderly friend, who just  got out of hospital. She is her old cantankerous self, no I am not being rude or horrible when I say that, for that is the person she is. Also it means that she is getting better. 3. Getting my new work hours and days, when I start my new job in September. Which happens to be one of my favorite months.

Lesson learnt.

1. Getting a burnt saucepan clean, I was cooking some plums, forgot about them and burnt the saucepan I am glad to say, not the house. Learnt a very valuable lesson, first time I done something like that, and I won't do it again! 2. My elderly friend is coming out of hospital today after being in for nearly 2 weeks. 3. Going on a long steam train trip tomorrow, really looking forward to it. It can rain, shine, be hot or cold I don't mind. It is going to be a long day , but I am going to enjoy it.

Up,,breakdown & dance.

1. Waking up to a thunderstorm. 2. Bus I was travelling on broke down on the way home from a bus rally, it broke down somewhere safe, so we were all safe.   It took a bit of planning, but we all got home and the bus was towed back to where  it is kept. 3. Watching some people doing a 1950 dance demonstration, a young lad about 15 boy could he dance. It was lovely to see .

Thanks, haze & dapple.

1. Thank goodness for air conditioning  on the train. 2. A field of purple haze. 3. Dappled evening sunlight through the trees.

Grasshopper , lady & a well done.

1. Having my first cup of tea in the morning with one of the cats sitting next to me, I do not know who was more surprised, when a grasshopper, hopped on to my lap, the cat or me. Then the cat saw the grasshopper on the floor, I managed to rescue it and put it in the garden . 2. Talking to a lovely lady in a queue about cats, you really get some really nice people out there. 3. Son just got his certificates  for his city & guilds. All passes! Well done.

Rain, in, cheese & new.

1. A  thunderstorm, plenty of rain and I watered the plants in the garden this morning! 2. A complete day in , catching  up with the chores, did a big load of washing unable to put it out , due to the storm! 3. Good old fashion cheese on toast for lunch. 4. Son had letter to say to attend college next week to meet his new tutors and fellow students and he is really looking forward to going. Bless him.

Gardening,decent & kale.

1. Gardening in the early morning, when most of the world is asleep and it's cool. 2. Having a very decent cup of coffee when out with my sister and  a toasted tea cake. 3. Cooked a yellow courgette had it with pasta, in a homemade light tomato sauce and instead of  a cheese topping, I fried some curly kale and put that on top, it went down well with everyone.

Fun, red & cool.

1. A day of fun in the sun. Races, football, hopscotch, blowing bubbles and pirouetting. No not sports day , granddaughter day! And it was a fun day. 2.  Wore my new outfit that was bought for me, with the most important red shoes. Granddaughter was pleased. 3. Enjoying the cool mornings and evenings.

Lovely. Fine & cider.

1. My red shoes are gorgeous and my necklace my granddaughter made me is lovely. 2. My elderly friend is back in hospital, but she is doing fine. 3. Rose cider is nice.

Watercress, red, & yum.

1. Had a lovely day out on the watercress line. Had a ride on a steam train. 2. My granddaughter bought me a pair of red shoes for my  birthday, never ever  had red shoes not even when I was a little girl.  Lovely lovely lovely. Thank you. 3. Home gown beetroot and courgettes. Yum yum.
To see dawn break, To see the sun rise and sunset in all it's glorious colours, To see my children and grandchildren, To see the cats, To see a beautiful rainbow, To see blossom in spring, To see autumn colours, To see lighthouses, To see children playing on the beach, To see children playing in the park, To see the snow falling, To see the golden cornfields with red poppies, To see a steam train, To see the routemasters, To see the fox that lives in the back garden, To see a heron standing so still and silent at the waters edge, To see two swans swimming in the river side by side, To see day turn into dusk, To see the full moon at its brightest, To see home grown vegetables doing well, To see my favourite magazine come through the letter box, To see far I have got with my knitting and it looks good, To see a beautiful bunch of flowers, To see polka dots, To see my clutter going down, To see hot air balloons  and the red arrows, To see snails and their lov

To hear.

To hear my granddaughters giggle, To hear the dawn chorus, To hear the pitter patter of the rain, To hear the sea lapping against the beach, To hear a steam train coming through, To hear the cats talk to me, To hear 60s music, To hear ducks quacking, To hear the breeze rustle through the leaves, To hear the rustle while walking through the leaves in autumn, To hear the snow fall, To hear people chat, To hear my sons and daughter chat together , not very often they do get together, so that is very precious, To hear bees buzzing, To hear the river rumbling along, These are a few of my favourite sounds, But there is one sound I would love to hear again but will not be able to  is to hear my dad whistle, He could whistle in tune, listen to a tune, then he could whistle the tune through with no mistakes.

Sorry, storm & waltz.

1. Sorry about the post yesterday. Just had the fit of the blues. I am back to normal . I was going to delete it but decided to leave it, as a reminder, if it happens again I can read it and think silly moo! 2. Being woken up by a thunderstorm or should I say an lightning storm, thinking I have left the washing out, so ran out and got the washing in mainly son's clothes. 3. Not realising that the cats were out so as soon as I opened the back door, one cat came in straight away, one kept me company to get the washing in, the other one who is timid ran in then ran out again. She stayed out in the storm, then waltzed in at the end of the storm as if nothing had happened!

Laugh, blues. & ignore.

1. Hearing my baby granddaughter having a good laugh. 2. Very very naughty 2 sugar doughnuts for breakfast. I am feeling a bit blue. I do count my blessings I have got good family and friends, but  if I could think why I have got this bout of the blues, I would try to  find the answer. It just came out of the blue excuse the pun. That is why 2 doughnuts for breakfast! 3. Ignore the above about the blues ,just feeling sorry for myself. Having an other cup of tea then finishing the housework, then an afternoon of knitting.

Declutter,should be put & granddaughters

1. Even decluttering for a short while does make a change to the surroundings. Found loads of stuff, put it this way I do not need to buy  beauty products , personal hygiene , toothpaste etc, for quiet awhile. I always buy when they are on special offer. I am the person in the shopping aisle working things out, to make sure that the offer is worth it. 2. To come home after running errands early and to start the above decluttering . Now I have found places to put clothes where they should be put. 3. Tomorrow is my granddaughter's last day at play school. Mum has got her , her new school uniform for September . Baby granddaughter, is now trying to roll on to her tummy. Mum puts her on her tummy and she loves it. Bless them both.

Dawn ,never to old & freckles.

1. Watching dawn break and hearing the dawn chorus. 2. Working with a colleague I don't normally work with, it was really nice and interesting. I learnt new things, as well as the student. A very good productive afternoon. As the saying goes you are never to old to learn, which is true. 3. Being out in all this lovely sunshine has given me freckles, especially on my arms.

Sleepy, Arundel & moon.

1. Had to get a very early train on Sunday morning, so travelled through the town when no one was around to the station, it was so quiet and sleepy. It was so nice to see it like that. 2. Went to Arundel, spent a lovely afternoon there, whilst there popped into a craft fair, saw a lovely big pot with a spider plant in it, hemmed and hawed, but decided not to buy it. Had a lovely meal of steak and ale pie and fresh vegetables. Then had a lovely time of walking round doing lots of window shopping. Weather was lovely,then went pass the craft fair again, saw the pot and spider plant, I bought it as it was meant to be. And it was a bargain price as both were very big. A very happy reminder of a lovely day. 3. As I was going to bed the other half said look at the moon did so, it was so low and huge, I have not seen the moon like that for a very long time, it was quite haunting.

Scared, granny, & slippers.

1. Sitting having lunch and reading , I saw something move in the cat house my sister bought the cats when they were kittens many moons ago , heart in mouth thinking what is that in there, went to go over to find out ,getting up gingerly, the next minute a head poked out frighting the life out of me, when I calmed down it was only tigerlily, one of my cats. It is the first time that any of the cats have used the house. And she is the cat that is a bit on the timid side, but she made a good job of scaring me. 2. Dropping a stitch in my knitting and having to unravel my knitting to sort the problem out, reminded me about my granny teaching me to knit,thanks granny for your patience and for teaching me. 3. Treating myself to a new pair of slippers better than half price and with a pictures of beach huts and sea gulls on them.

Wet, snails & doing well.

1. Granddaughter and daughter on the way to play school got caught in the rain, both got very wet, they was half way there when this happened, granddaughter decided she wasn't going and turned back and started to walk home. So she didn't go. When they got in they were both soaked through. They are going by bus today, which is a bit of a trek 2 buses, walking only takes about 20 mins. 2. I am a small creature rescues person, snails this time. Left the back door open for the cats, plus we needed the fresh air, a few snails decided to visit and one invited itself in, the rest stay on the outside step and door, so when it was time to close the door, I had to put the snail out . 3. Son is home, but going again today. Nice to see him, but nice to see him being independent. He has autism not bad and a lot of people said that he will never lead a normal life. But he has proved everyone wrong. He goes to college mainstream, he is learning to drive, he travels to and fro by himself. I

Morning rain, colours & coming & going.

1. Being out in the morning rain, listening to the music it makes. A lovely soft gentle sound. 2. Buying fresh apricots, haven't bought them for a long time. Just love the soft orange colour with the pink blush. The pear as well looks to good to eat, the green and red shininess of it. 3. Son coming home just for today then going away again tomorrow for the weekend. Nice to see him busy.

Decipher, fun & polisher.

1. Trying to decipher my shorthand. Looking through a craft book, I found a envelope  with some cryptic working out, something to do with a knitting pattern, it's fun trying to work it out. I never mark the actual book or pattern I work from, I always use spare paper or my favourite  used envelopes. 2. Saw my two granddaughters . The eldest one was playing hide & seek with her toys. The younger one was giggling away as usual. 3. My eldest granddaughter gave me a sticker as I was polishing the floor with my bottom and making the floor nice and clean. I was sitting on the floor talking to my youngest granddaughter, a cup of tea was put on the table I couldn't be bothered to get up to get it , so I slid over on my bottom to get it. "Nanny is polishing the floor" laughed my granddaughter. I think I have got a new job, a bottom floor polisher!

Lazy, waking& using.

1. A lazy Sunday morning . Coissants, plum jam and peaches for breakfast washed down a cup of tea or two., while looking in my new book  The farm chicks in the kitchen. 2. Waking up to a lovely sunny morning and thinking what will the day bring. 3. I am making garter stitch strips, instead of squares to make a blanket and discovering that I will have enough of the same yarn to make a full size blanket and that is out of my huge stash of yarn. I have not bought yarn for ages now, much as I am tempted, but I will not as I have so much to use up.

New, cacti, stamps.

1. Went to a new cafe with my sister. They play music from the 50s & 60s, which is very nice and the music wasn't too loud. The food and coffee was good, so we are going again next week to make sure we like it, well I am sure, my sister, I not quite sure if she is sure. 2. The cacti I repotted is doing well, must water them later. Even the very old one is, I thought I might have lost that one, but it seems to be holding its own. 3. I had mail from Australia recently and took a look at the stamps and they are really beautiful. They were pictures of Australia's native plants,they are really colourful. And the mail was sent at the beginning of the week and I got it Thursday which I thought was excellent.

Sit ups, ready & chores.

1. Baby granddaughter is trying to sit up, but gets frustrated as she can not quite manage to do it. She is so much like her mum at that age. But it won't be long and she will do it, she is so determined. 2. Son has booked his theory test exam. Every one kept on at him to do it, I told everyone especially his dad, that he will  book it in his own time and he did. He had to do it when he was ready not when everyone thought he was ready. His driving instructor is very good ,very encouraging . He even said that son had to do it when he was ready. 3. I jut found out that I like doing my chores first thing in the morning or late afternoon and early evening. The garden falls under late afternoon, early evening. So I am going to stick with that.

Pleasure, shock, smile & wish.

1. Went to see my elderly friend and she asked for help, which is so unlike her as she is so independent, so it was a pleasure to help her. 2. Walking to the bus stop, I had a shock,I thought i saw my partner, he had the same colour hair and style, he also wearing similar sunglasses. Even the clothes this man was wearing was similar to what my partner would wear, I was about to say why are you here and not out with the boys , this man walk off. As when I left my partner was getting ready for a boys day out. I think this man was my partner's double. 3. Seeing son smiling, he has been down in the dumps lately. I been keeping an eye on him. Not much fun being a teenager. 4. Clearing up the hall upstairs, it looks lovely. I wish I was not a hoarder, but slowly things are getting done.

Thank you all three.

1. 3 young schoolgirls in uniform having lunch with their mums behaving beautifully, a credit to their parents and school. 2. A little boy about 3 saying bye bye and waving to everyone when getting off the train, made everyone smile. 3. Seeing my hairdresser, who is always a cheerful person, even when she feels down, always greets you with a lovely smile.

Cat , school & book.

1. My cat sitting on the fence post pretending to be a owl. She does look like an owl. 2. Granddaughter went to visit her new school. She goes in September and she only just turned 4. 3. Brought a book online and it is a really nice book. Glad I bought it. It is a craft and cookbook combined.


Ps. Done my chores in record time!  So the rest of the day is mine.

Weekend, together & cramp.

1. Coming home after a weekend away and a very long day out yesterday. 2. Went to a steam train rally. Which was very enjoyable. It is really nice to see families together doing things together and enjoying themselves. 3. Getting rid of very bad cramp in my leg and foot. As I get older the worse the cramp seems to be.

Nanny? Nanny? & yachts.

1. " nanny why do you wear glasses?" " my eyes don't work properly" " you look better without them on" "thank you, but I need to wear them otherwise I won't be able to see you"  " well if I stand right in front of you, you wll see me better" 2. " nanny would you like half of my pig roll"? She asks breaking a pig roll in half  and giving me half. 3. Seeing yachts out sailing. All different shapes and sizes and colours.

Granddaughter for the afternoon.

1. We got to nanny's by flying scooter (bus) as my granddaughter had her scooter with her. 2. I left a little bit of dinner on my plate, "nanny you have got to eat everything up or no ice cream" like a good nanny I ate everything up and was allowed ice cream. 3. Went to get the washing in " nanny I will help you" so we went out to get it in. " nanny I fold it for you, you pass it to me" so passed the washing to her, she folded it and we made short work of it just as well as it started to rain. Then my granddaughter said " nanny I am a great helper " and she is . Bless her. 4. It was a shame she had to go home. I gave her a packet of fig rolls which she loves , but she calls them pig rolls. Love her.

Not nanny,fruit& neighbours

1. Having my eldest granddaughter over for tea tonight after play school. She told her mummy that she wants to stay for along time with her uncle not nanny but her uncle. Bless her. 2. Treated myself to some golden kiwi fruit. And son put in apples , I got a shock as he is not a fruit lover. 3. Saw my neighbour this morning while putting out the recycling, she looks very well. She has been very ill for the most part of this year, so it was very nice to have a chat with her. 4. The other day I saw an other neighbour and had a lovely chat with her, it is only when I see her in her front garden that we have a chat, but that is how our friendship works.

Cats cacti & cats.

1. One of my cats likes lying on her back and wave her paws about. I have tried to take a photo, but as we know about cats sixth sense she jumps up and looks at me, as to say you  will not ever get a photo of me. 2. Going to repot  some cacti. They do need repotting badly . One I think is still in its original pot. This one and an other one I inherited the other one a leaf was knocked off an other plant so I decided ti put it some compost and it grew into a lovely plant. 3. I have not got tree cats sitting next to me all wanting a fuss, this is where I could do with an extra pair of hands.

Back to work.

1. Went back to work. Met 2 new staff, who are really nice. 2. Got greeted by one of the students, by saying it's about time you was back. 3. It was nice to be back. Had a lovely chat with an other student . It was good.

Flintstones, not popular & face paints.

1. Watching the Flintstones. As I am unable to sleep. Also I love the Jetsons as well. Love the Flintstones. 2. Still cannot get over the back garden. Still a bit of work to do. Shame it is so early otherwise I be in the garden, but I will not be popular with the neighbours. 3. Granddaughter painted her mum's face with face paints so that she looks like a tiger.

Early, brave & done.

1. Finally got up at my usual time , in fact got up 15 minutes earlier than my usual time. Been sleeping in lately and it has thrown me out . 2. Done some more decluttering , just closed my eyes and being brave. One corner of the living room is clear. 3. I have found that I get more done in the early morning and early evening.

Knitting old fashioned & sister.

1. Picked up my knitting and decided that I didn't like it. It was on large needles using dk yarn. It didn't look right so I undid it, then using the right size of needles for the dk yarn,I started all over again, but this time doing my own thing. I was following a pattern,it is only for a blanket so size etc doesn't matter. It does look better on smaller needles. 2. Must admit I prefer to use right size needles and weight of yarn. Call me old fashioned. But I know others who would disagree with me, but each to our own. 3. Caught up with my sister. I haven't seen her for a while, but she looks and sounds better. She still not got a job yet, but she seems more positive. Good!

Fun aero & waking.

1. Did no knitting, as went to baby sit my two granddaughters, while their mum and dad had a night out. And it was fun with them both.son came with me, as my eldest granddaughter asked if he would come to see her and play with her. 2. Happiness is eating a peppermint aero  in bed. 3. Waking up to a blue sky few clouds and the sun shining.

Knitting, lovely daughter & tea.

1. Going to pick up my knitting later, I have not done any for 3 weeks. Longest I have  left it. 2. My lovely daughter is 26 today. As always time has flown, she is a mum to  my 2 lovely granddaughters. She is a great mum, she has got 2 very happy girls. 3. Getting a new brand of tea. These ones are supermarket own brand and they are nice, plus cheaper to.

Having fun in Hastings.

1. Enjoyed my day at Hastings. My granddaughter put me to shame by going on the rides, so next time I will go on the rides with her.  2. It was lovely to see her having fun ,laughing and smiling. Mind you she is a very happy girl. 3. Had the best gin and tonic in ages. We just missed our train home, so had to wait an hour, so it was decided that we go for a drink, found a pub near the station and who ever done the g&t knows how to make them. We made sure we didn't miss this train.

Bed,bed times & rain.

1. Eating peaches in bed. My new little treat. 2. It is a rule  that no cats upstairs at bed time, but one snuck up and she would not come down, so when I tried to get her down she hid under the bed. So I left her. When I woke up this morning she was at the foot of the bed, she got up and said good morning. Now at the moment her brother is making a fuss as I think he is jealous. 3. Hearing the rain hammering down about 3 this morning, then remembered that I haven't brought in the washing, then I went back to sleep.

Summer, book & sandals.

1. Wearing summer clothes. 2. Treating myself to a new book and a author I have not read before. 3. Coming in and taking my sandals off. Bliss.

Peaches quiz & pay back.

1. Squashed peaches aka doughnut peaches , flat peaches. Really are my favorite fruit at the moment. Best time for me to have some  is  in the morning, when I am by myself. 2. Done a quiz online for which country you are compatible with, my country came up as France, which is a good choice. Mind you I do love Belgium had many happy holidays there with my dad. 3. Having money owing to me being paid back earlier than expected, by a big company. Still waiting for some money to be paid back by an other big company for over payment. They are still dragging their heels. Why is it when you owe them money they demand you pay them straight away? But when they owe you money that is different? I will give them a few more days, then ring them. It is well over the time limit they gave me. So Monday I will give them a ring. 4. Well done the big company that paid me back earlier. If you can do it why not others?

Seaside, hedge& coast.

1. Put my favourite bed linen on. It is blue and a sandy beige colour. It always reminds me of the seaside. 2. Done the hedge and it does look good ,even though I say so myself. 3. Looking forward to the weekend as I am going to the coast with my granddaughter and family, not driving down, going by train , so it will be a big adventure for her. Really looking forward to it.

Work, college & nice.

1. Done the lawn. Looks ok, but work still needs to be done on it. Slow but sure. 2. Son has finished college for now, he past all his exams and has a place on next September course. Not bad for someone who was written off because he is autistic, everyone apart from his form teacher and  his sister and myself, said he will never do it.he won't get any where. Well he has proved them wrong. Well done son. And if there is anyone out reading this post and you know someone in a similar position, please give them all the help and encouragement you can as it does make a difference. My son wanted to do it for himself and he did. 3. Had a lovely day out with family and friends and it was good. It was nice to catch up we do not see them very often so it was doubly nice.

Commuters, spider& happy.

1. My busy week up town is nearly finished, well 2 weeks to be exact. Hats of to all the commuters who do it day in , day out. 2. Watching a tiny red spider on the window ledge, going about its business. 3. Seeing my lovely granddaughters , made one very tired nanny very happy and now can face the world again.

Busy,bumpy & research.

1. Coming to the end of a busy week. Travelling up to London every day, got the same next week. 2. Bumped into my daughter, son and grandchildren it was lovely to see them, then bumped into my niece. It was a bumpy day! 3. Reading about Richard lll, found it very interesting ,I must do some more research about him, he is very interesting.

Friend, mum & granddaughter.

1. Went to see my elderly friend. I do not see much of her lately as she has quite a busy social life now. From not seeing anybody other than her next door neighbour and me, it is so nice that since she has moved she is doing more and speaking more to people. And she has made friends with a lovely lady in her care home. Ey are good to for each other. 2. Bumped into a mum whose daughter I used to help and it was so nice to see her and have a little chat. A little bit of me would like to go back, but I know I made the right decision . 3. Having my eldest granddaughter over. She took my son to the playground. I don't who was the most tired when they came back. They were gone for ages.

91, my dad & cuddles.

1. Had my dad lived he would of been 91 today. I still miss him very much. 2. Bought a bunch of sweet williams in memory of my dad, they were one of his favourite flowers. 3. Having  cuddle with my grandson. He doesn't normally have a cuddle as he says cuddles are for girls. And it was a very nice cuddle! Ps. My trip up London with my sister went very well.

Strimmer, floods& sleeping cat.

1. Was given a new strimmer for a thank you. It was received most gratefully. So thank you again. 2. Went on one of my favorite train journeys . The fields have recovered from the floods. The only things that you see that tells of the floods are the trees that were cut down. 3. One of my cats has decided that I am not to get up , he has made himself comfortable on me, to get up or not to get up? Not to get up !

Balloon, busy & big sister.

1. Seeing a hot air balloon hovering so low that you could see the people in the basket. And the children next door calling over to them hello over there can you hear us? 2. A busy week ahead for me, have to travel for 2 days, one d up London and one dy to go further into Kent. 3. My big sister has planned the day up London , hopefully I can keep up with her!

Wine beans & challenge.

1. A glass of wine on a reasonable empty tummy is not a very good idea. 2. Putting up bean canes and planting beans. 3. Going up town with my sister as I have to go up there for 2 weeks. I am not a London person, but it is a new challenge.

Garden, foxes and bring in.

1. Started the garden at long last. Still lots to do, but it doesn't matter how long it will take, I have started ! 2. A fox and her cub came visiting this morning. It was a beautiful sight. I do love foxes. 3. Just closed the back door in time, one of the cats was just going to bring something in, not sure what. It is unusual for any of my three cats to catch any thing and to bring it in. Or should that be try to bring any thing in?

Nervous, travel & niece.

1. First day at my new place of work, it was good but I was nervous. The time just flew past and I thought afterwards what was there to be nervous of ? 2. Went by train to work instead of my usual way of bus tram and train, and it doesn't matter which way I go it still takes the same time to get there . 3. Son and daughter spent the afternoon together by the sounds of things thy had a good time. More importantly my son had a very happy niece. She hasn't seen him for a while.

Emails, mistakes & forward.

1. Not reading emails properly , thought I had to go to my new palace of work tomorrow, but good job that I read the email again it is today I go. 2. I had left what I had to do over the weekend to do for today, but as I made the above mistake, need to change my plans. 3. Looking forward to going to work.

Cuddles, laugh & no pain.

1. Cuddling my granddaughters after being away from them a week and also my grandson who I have not seen for ages. 2. Hearing my baby granddaughter chuckle for the first time and see her cheeky smile. 3. Not having ear pain while landing. Normally I get it very bad, but this time no pain.

Cheeky, clear up & equipment.

1. Had 2 cheeky smiles from my baby granddaughter. 2. Operation clear up and get the garden straight has begun. 3. Feeling better that the  garden is being done, but need new equipment so have to do the best I can with what I got for now.

Soothes, sandals & away.

1. Knitting really soothes me. Did a little experiment, done 2 crochet blankets , enjoyed making them was going to start a new one, but decided to knit one, picked up my needles and yarn away I went and I really felt the tension leave me. 2. Bought my self a pair of sandals for £6.00 . They are last year's fashion but I am not worried, never have been fashionable. 3. Looking forward to a few days away. But why is it you try and get things done and get sorted it does not always work out? 

Cold, magazine & blog.

1. Feeling better after a very nasty cold. Why does a cold sometimes drains you? 2. My most favorite magazine came through the post. Enjoying someme time reading it. 3. Found a lovely blog called my rose valley . And it was asked are you a thinker or a doer? Iam a thinker, but I have got lots to do, like the lady who blog it is , I think I have to start small and do.

Blankets, grandchildren & cuddle.

1. The crochet blankets for my granddaughters turned out very well. Now doing a knitted garter stitch blanket, in  many colours. 2. Spent a lot of my time with my daughter and baby granddaughter, while my other granddaughter and grandson were away. They had a brilliant time. I had a brilliant time getting to know my new granddaughter.  It is nice having the other 2 back it was so quiet without them. 3. Having a first cuddle with my baby granddaughter.


1.enjoying the walk to town with my daughter and granddaughter, with this lovely weather we are having at the moment it is bliss. 2. My other granddaughter and grandson are on holiday with their other grandparents and are really enjoying themselves, but my granddaughter wants her mummy to go and cook their dinner. 3. Going into my daughter's place is so quiet without the other 2 . Baby granddaughter is a sleeper at the moment.

Tea,watching & craft.

1.changing tea brands. The one I am using at the moment is just s good as the named brands. In fact I was told it was better than the named brand. And it is a lot cheaper. 2. Coming home by train in the late evening and watching the sky go from dusk to night. 3. Brought a new craft book. I was not going to buy any more, but this one has got so many patterns and ideas I have not seen before.

Stranger, lock & treat.

1. Kindness of a stranger. 2. Locking my son in by accident, I was very lucky he saw the funny side, but have to sort the lock as he should of been able to unlock the door from inside. 3. Seeing a steam train pass my train , an unexpected treat.

Watching, looking& staying.

1. Watching the cat watching the rain. 2. Looking forward to seeing my two granddaughters. 3. Son staying away from home. With him being autistic this is a big step for him.


Granddaughter to be is now here. Will be seeing her later . Cannot wait, I am so excited. I sound like a big kid! But I am not worried.

Caffe latte,minx & better.

1. Cafe latte chocolates my favourites. 2. Granddaughter to be is not been born yet today is her due date, but the little minx doesn't want to come yet. 3. After some uncertain at work, things look to be getting better.

Centre,herring gull, & memories.

1. Visited Hornby Visitor  Centre . Really enjoyed it. Had a really lovely latte in their cafe. 2. Son opened the car door and a passing bird left his calling card. I must admit I did laugh. But later on when having a tea at the coast , a low flying herring gull flew over my head so low that I felt it's wings on my head.son laughed. 3. Had a great time at Broadstairs, many happy memories of my dad and 2 eldest children. Youngest son never met his grandad, as my dad died the year before he was born. They would of loved each other. 4. Still miss you dad.x

Satifaction , train set & lonely.

1. The satifaction  of putting out the recycling. 2. Doing son's room so he can start building his train set up. 3. Went for a walk in the rain, felt better for it and saw a lonely yellow tulip amongst the daffodils.

Order greeting & old times.

1. Even though her baby sister is still not been born yet, my granddaughter has put in an order for a baby boy next time and she has already got a name for him! How sweet. 2. Went visiting today and the person who I went to visit is usually very dour and he doesn't  smile a lot, I got greeted with a big beaming smile and it's really nice to see you again. That made my day and with the above comment from my granddaughter my week has been made. 3. Having a chat with a lady on the bus home, she was telling me that she lived near where I live about 23 years ago. And it was nice to talk about old times.

Marmite,steep & silly.

1. Marmite and toast, cup of tea on a Sunday afternoon. 2. Walking up a steep hill and not getting breathless. That has encouraged me to continue losing weight. 3. Trying to get up from the floor and my granddaughter saying "you look silly nanny"

Picnics,no & brisk.

1. Playing picnics with my granddaughter. Granddaughter no 2 still not here, but she soon will be. 2. 'No kisses nanny ' as I leave granddaughter . 3. A brisk walk home in the wind.

Blossom, dread part 1 & part 2.

1. Seeing the blossom on the trees, on a beautiful spring day. 2. Son is slowly getting over the dread of doing his theory test. 3. Got over my dread  of my neighbouring large town. Since the shopping mall been there, the town lost it's charm. So went there today and was pleasantly surprised. So a good morning was had.

Bundle , food & drink.

1. Not having to bundle up to go out and not having to wear rain gear. 2. Tried a new flavoured porridge maple and pecan. Wasn't quite sure, but it has grown on me. 3. An other foodie or should I say drink, I haven't bought it yet, but I noticed that there is a hot peanut drink on sale, it's powdered form like hot chocolate. I guess I will buy some to try. Sounds interesting.

Car, moving on & smaller.

1. Surviving a car crash. No one was hurt, but shocked. 2. Telling my boss that I am moving on, but still will be able to help one afternoon a week. She was very good about it. 3. Buying my first pair of trousers in a size smaller.

Me, dream & friend.

1. Me, Columbo & crochet. 2. Had a dream that I can remember. In a way it has disturbed me but in a nice way, if that is possible ? 3. Bumping into a friend while shopping, have not seen her for a while. We must meet up for a proper chat.

Note, trains & training.

1. My son left me a note, sorry I forgot to ask you about your day. Bearing in mind he is autistic, this is the first time he has done anything like this. A big lump in my throat. It made this week a lot better. 2. Had to travel by train again. My train was on time, so had a few minutes to spare, me feeling smug.   Then a train pulled in and it didn't go it stayed standing and standing, then all of a sudden there was an announcement say there was problems with the doors. Everything moved so fast, the doors were sorted , the train left, there was so many announcements to keep us informed on what was going on. It was done so smooth, with minimum of delays to the other trains. Well done Southern trains. 3. Went for training for my new job, there is so much to take in. But so enjoyable, learnt so much.

Toys, spring & bargin.

1. Clearing up the toys after my granddaughter been to visit. Nice to see the toys scattered about. She wanted to help, but she had to go home quickly, as her daddy was cooking dinner. 2. Treated myself to a dinner service. It's a green and white and very spring like. And it was half price. Bargin! 3. Another bargin, 2 small bottles of washing up liquid for £2 , 1 large bottle of washing up liquid £2.20 . The 2 small ones have over a 1/4 more liquid than the one large one.. It happened before with cooking oil, bought 2 small bottles cheaper and more oil than the large bottle.

No peeking, funds & raffle.

1. " play hide'n'seek nanny. I don't peek when you hide" said my granddaughter, peeking when I go and hide! 2. Talked to some 6th formers who are raising funds to go to Ecuador next year for a month. You often don't hear about the teenagers who do good things , always the ones who are in trouble. They are going to help in Ecuador in various projects. They have only just started to raise funds , so I hope that they will reach their goal. 3. Won a beautiful sparkley pen and notebook in a raffle.

A new beginning.

1. I applied for a volunteering job and was successful. Went on the first of a two training day course for the job. I think I have made the right choice. Like all things new, you are not really sure about things. Time will tell. 2. The other volunteers are really nice, we are a mixed bunch and have all something to give. 3. So had to come out of my comfort zone, which is good. I have to travel quite a distance, but it is a really pleasance journey and quite quick. It is a good job that I like traveling.

Colourful, models & vase.

1. A glass full of red, yellow, and orange cherry tomatoes. A colourful sight. 2. Came in and son was doing some model making for his railway. 3. A vase full of daffodils.

Wow, ink & washing.

1. A passenger used their contactless  bank card on the bus for the first time, wow ,super he kept on saying and when he was told that it was cheaper than the cash fare, wow that's amazing. He said that he didn't travel by bus very often and that made his day. It made my day as well to see someone so happy. 2. Was given some ink cartridges for my printer . So I don't have to get any for a while. 3. Seeing washing on the line outside again. At the moment it is bright and breezy.

Self service, connect & chuckle.

1. The self service ticket machine decide  that it was going to issue me tickets going either Clapham junction or Brighton, they were the complete opposite to where I was going. After the fifth attempt I got the right tickets. 2. I got off the train,walked across the platform and my connecting train came in. When public transport works it works and when it doesn't it doesn't. 3. Played catch with my grandchildren. To me nanny , no to me nan. Daughter, said that they sounded like the chuckle brothers. Do you remember them? To you to me!

Breeze ,firm & garden.

1. Enjoying the late afternoon sunshine and gentle breeze. 2. Made a firm decision no more sorting out. Get rid of everything that is not wanted. 3. Cannot wait to get into the garden. Now that next doors drains have been sorted out I can get into my garden. As the workmen  had to get into my garden.

Feet, dry & rebate

1. My feet found comfort in my favourite pair of woolly socks. This damp weather has finally got to them. 2. Waking up to an other dry morning. 3. I will be getting a rebate for my gas bill.

Something Different.

1. Sardine and avocado on rye bread. Lovely! 2. Enjoying the sunshine. But why does it shine where you can see where the dust is? 2. Trying a flower crochet square and using multi coloured yarn and a smaller hook. I wasn't quite sure if it would work but it did. It is going to be a blanket for my granddaughter's dolls.

Cat ,brother & drains.

1. Missing cat came home. After being out from the early hours  till early evening she came home not due to the weather, but to next door has had serious drain problems and had very loud machines and a lot of activity going on. 2. The above cat loves being out in the rain and wind, I kid you not. Her brother well he sits at the door see it's raining and looks at me to say i am not going out thank you. 3. The workmen next door did not tell me that they were working on the drains they told all the other neighbours, so there we are flushing the toilet, using the washing machine, the sink etc. Till they knock on the door to ask to stop doing the above as the drains were filling up, then he looked at me and said whoops we didn't tell you.? Did we? No I said.

Excited, theory & yummy,

1. Met up with my daughter, have not seen her for a while. Granddaughter to be should arrive in 7 weeks time. I am so excited to meet her, 2.son has started studying for his theory test for driving. 3. An other foodie, had a beautiful ham salad sandwich for lunch. It was so fresh the bread , the ham so yummy even the salad was fresh. So it was compliments to the chef. I had the sandwich in one of our favourite cafés. My daughter chicken baguette looked good as well. She said it was lovely

Blood red ruby, patience & hyacinths.

1. Blood oranges are out . They are one of my most favorite citrus fruit. In some shops they are called red oranges, in other shops they are called ruby oranges. When I was growing up they were called blood oranges. That should give you a clue of my age. 2. Teaching myself new patience games. Some easy some difficult. But all fun. 3. Buy some more hyacinths. This time pinks ones. The blue ones are so strongly scented, that when you open the front door the scent just hits you. They are in the kitchen at the back of the house . So hopefully the pink ones will have a strong scent as well.

Music, rum & rail.

1.everyone was out,so I played my music and sang along with it. 2.eating rum and raisin ice cream. 3. The shower curtain rail fell down , I managed to put it up again.

Play mat,splash& present.

1.seeing my granddaughter ,not seen her for a while. She chatted about her new road play mat. Told me all about the different pictures on it . 2. Also the little minx told me that she will splash me next time we go out. And she will. 3. I was bought a little present of a bowl of blue hyacinths. A beautiful present. Thank you.

T.rex, dry & small.

1. Saw a cloud that looked liked a t.rex. 2. Enjoying the 3rd day in a row of dry weather. Hopefully it will last for a while. 3. Having fish and chips for dinner. I was good as I had a small portion.